Website Research for Destiny's End Website


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Website Research

Bridget Cárdenas Pazmiño

Horror Movie Website

Action Movie Website

Adventure Movie Website

What Each Website Has

All have a visible title and the headers of were each one will take you. It can be seen clearly that not all of them contain the same information

but do have a similar outline of the headers being in a row.

BackgroundAll of the websites That

I have investigated have a background which relates to the

movie even the colour scheme matches to what the website is

about.Horror- Black and White

Adventure/ Animation- White, blue and grey

Action- Black, Grey and White


The main features of a website is the colour scheme, background image, headers and title.This is what I shall include in my website of

Destiny’s End, which the link will be mentioned on the poster.

By adding a website it will attract the audience to explore and see what the website is about and will

provide more details of the movie such as the release date, pictures, videos and the trailer and the social media links will have the link to the website.
