[WEBINAR] Building Your Brand Using Social Insights



In today’s social media driven marketplace, it’s more important than ever to build a brand that engages and influences your target audience to close more business. With this in mind, TalentCulture and Leadtail have teamed up to bring you this webinar: Using Social Insights to Build Your Brand During this webinar, we’ll present social insights data on what top influencers in the recruiting industry are doing on social media to build their brands... and how you can apply those best practices, too! Specifically, we’ll answer questions such as: What are the key elements to developing your brand? Why is social media the perfect medium for building your brand? Who has done the best job in creating a brand with recruiters? What are these top influencers doing right, and how you can use these techniques, too? TalentCulture CEO Meghan M. Biro will also reveal her secrets for using social media to become one of the most recognized experts in the HR and recruiting fields.

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Using Social Insights to Build Your Brand

Co-Hosted with:

Presented by:Kevin W. GrossmanCarter HostelleyKarri Carlson

Special Guest:Meghan M. Biro

February 27, 2014

Today’s Presenters:


Special Guest:

Carter HostelleyFounder & CEO


Karri CarlsonVP Social Insights


Kevin W. GrossmanModerator


Meghan M. BiroFounder & CEO@TalentCulture@MeghanMBiro

Quick Poll: Which brand is more important to you?


Your Company Brand?

Your Personal Brand?


Poll Results: Which brand is more important to you?


Your Company Brand?

Your Personal Brand?



Why Your Brand is More Important Than Ever



Why is a brand so important?

• What we are: a brand creates a recognizable identity for our services

• Who we are: represents what we (and customers) believe and value about us

• Why us: helps everyone understand how we are different

People are more likely to buy from brands they recognize!


Why is building a brand so hard?

• Vast competition: 20 million U.S. companies, many have multiple brands

• Lack of trust: consumers don’t trust brands, they trust each other more

• Too much noise: average consumer is exposed to 1,200 ad messages per day!

If you are not a brand you are a commodity


How social media helps build brand

• Empowers you: to build social media channels that directly reach prospects

• Amplifies your brand: when others share your message with their social networks

• Grows your influence: by having an audience and engaging other influencers

Future of branding is marketing with people, not at them

What Social Insights Can Tell Us About

Building Your Brand



Why social insights?

• Listen in: Get “real-time” insights into what your prospects are talking about

• Watch activity: See what content they read, and who they engage with

• Be influential: learn who influences your target audience and engage them!

Build your brand armed with social media insights…

How we generated social insights


• Twitter as proxy for social media activity

• Twitter activity of 557 U.S. Recruiters

• Includes in-house, agency, and contract

• Over 90-day period: June 1 to Aug 31, 2013

• Analyzed 173,903 tweets and 106,343 links

• Total follower reach: 1,533,429

• Median number of followers: 649

Brands Retweeted by Recruiters in Q4 2013


Brands Mentioned by Recruiters in Q4 2013


Deeper Insights: What the data shows


• Pace Yourself: Some brands tweet a couple times a day, others 100+ times a day; find your groove and stick to it.• Acknowledge: Recognize your champions by mentioning and retweeting their content.

• Segment: If you have multiple audiences, seriously consider creating separate, focused accounts.• Tool up: Listening, curating, publishing, and engaging are different activities – use the right tool for the job.

• Add Value: Top performing brands we looked at include a link in almost every post.

People Retweeted by Recruiters in Q4 2013


People Mentioned by Recruiters in Q4 2013


Deeper Insights: What the data shows


1. Top influencers tweet a LOT… 10 to 20+ times daily to share their brand messages and those of others

2. Create consistent brand persona through original and curated content

4. Engage with other recruiters, publications, and influencers on high profile topics of interest

5. Use social channels to drive blog traffic, email signups, event registrations, and audience growth on other social media channels

3. Don’t lean on retweets, instead share lots of links and often mention other folks

Special Guest: Meghan M. Biro


Social Influencer: Meghan M. Biro


• Globally recognized leader, talent management and career strategist, and social community catalyst

• TalentCulture Founder and CEO; Co-Founder of the #TChat World of Work Community

• Worked with hundreds of companies helping them recruit and empower stellar talent

• Top 100 on Twitter Business, Leadership, Tech (HuffPost)

• Top 25 HR Trendsetters (HR Examiner); an ultimate List of Social CEOs on Twitter

• Top 100 Leadership Blogger• Top 100 to follow on Twitter in 2014• Weekly Forbes columnist

Humanizing the World of Work Brand


“This above all: to thine own self be true.” – Shakespeare

5 Essential Steps for Building Your Brand


1. Listen to Shakespeare

2. Take a personal inventory

3. Be honest

4. Don’t over (or under) sell yourself – Think Reality TV

1. Bring your best self

Thank You!


Special Guest:

Carter HostelleyFounder & CEO


Karri CarlsonVP Social Insights


Kevin W. GrossmanModerator


Meghan M. BiroFounder & CEO@TalentCulture@MeghanMBiro