Social Media & Journalism Chapter 3


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Social Media in Journalism

By Nsi Amah, Johana Saravia

“Journalism is meant to give people a true sense of their world, so they can participate and have a voice in how their world is structured.” —Arianna

Huffington (@ ariannahuff, 2013)

What is Journalism? the activity or profession of writing for newspapers or magazines or of broadcasting news on radio or television.

It is a good way to spread good or bad news

People become more informed about what is going on around the world

It investigates.

Journalism creates public conversation.

helps generate social empathy.

encourages accountability.

How is Journalism changing?

Social media has made big changes in the journalism world because of the rapid use of computers and apps.

Its impacting the industry in all aspect: management & advertising

Amy Guth

Today’s audience want immediate action or stories because everything is so fast paced.

Journalists have to keep up with today’s society and how we communicate on a daily basis

Older journalists should not be afraid of change

We have to be proactive and build networks

Whats New?

● Twitter ● Facebook ● Web● Blogging

Lets watch a video!!

Benefits of Social Media Journalism

More young people are more involves because of smartphones and easy apps.

It brings more traffic to social media sites: Twitter, Facebook,etc

It is more viewer friendly and very convenient

Organization use social media for promotions and profit.

Andy Garvin Method

Used known sources to get his news to report. His followers helped him verify the information.

This called “situational awareness”

He openly shared what he knew and didn’t know. Usually his audience would help him.

His work was more towards activism and technology.

● It does run the risk of losing credibility if not careful.


Definition:Short, or limited space, blogging began with twitter and its 140 character limit. Mirco-blogging became a genre to comment through without taking the time and energy to publish a more formal blog site. Even for those blogging microblogs are used to push out links and drive traffic back to the site.


Journalists use tools such as Twitter to share information rather than interact with their followers.

Microblogging sites allow the audience to be part of the news through something called citizen journalism.

The public may serve as independent journalists, by verifying the news posts or be witnesses themselves.


Twitter is considered as a less credible source compared to mainstream sites.

Even though many people might appreciate the ability to be part of the news through their opinions, post ect. Some people question that other readers might have issues trusting the news.

People might alter information to their benefit.

Journalism Case Studies

Just because you have information doesn’t mean it is legal to share it.

Julian Assange founder of WikiLeaks is under asylum in Ecuador and her source army private Chelsea Manning was convicted of violating the espionage act and faces up 35 years in prison.

Thought Leader Jason Collington

Social media has allowed journalists to reach and audience that otherwise would be unreachable.

It allows them to focus on their goal which is to build and inform communities.

Social media allows them to me more popular. However they must remain to true to their company’s mission.

A journalist’s job is to spark conversation within their audience.

If the information they are sharing is not relevant to their audience, people will build a community without them.


Blogging became popular in the beginning of the new century.

It quickly became a way to share news.

This is because credible blogs such as the huffington post are incredibly scrutinized and face a large amounts of rules before being posted.

This in turn this brings a large audience to their site.

A way to verify or just continue reading on a certain topics, blogs tend to have hyperlinks, that lead you to articles with more information on the subject.

Social Media Celebrity

Social Media celebrity is when a comment topic or news gets a lot of attention.

For example in Kony 2012 went viral sparking conversation and awareness in youth who normally don’t watch this type news.

Kony 2012 was a success because it was a NGO 30 minute video that went viral. It was not a typical entertainment video.

Even though Kony 2012 was a success it ended up being a failure because, like most things that go viral it reached its hype and eventually people lost interest. Also clicktivism affected it.


1.Public awareness of effects from newsroom cutbacks

2.News industry failure to capture the bulk of new digital and mobile advertising.

3.Increasing amount of native advertising- advertorial content, sponsored tweets, etc.- running the risk of reader confusion.

4.Paid digital experiments, including use of paywalls for user-paid content

5.Potential for digital impact to challenge local television news revenues

6.Social media and word-of-mouth origination of news instead of through news media sources


Pop Quiz!!

How do you define journalism?

It’s the work and distribution of reports on the interaction of events, facts, ideas and people that are the “news of the day” and that informs society to at least some degree.

What is microblogging?

Short, or limited space, blogging began with twitter and its 140 character limit. Mirco-blogging became a genre to comment through without taking the time and energy to publish a more formal blog site. Even for those blogging microblogs are used to push out links and drive traffic back to the site.

What are some of the failures of social media in journalism?

A. Public awareness of effects from newsroom cutbacks. News industry failure to capture the bulk of new digital and mobile advertising. Increasing amount of native advertising- advertorial content, sponsored tweets, etc.- running the risk of reader confusion.

B. Social media is not affecting journalism. C. There are 6 principal reasons that social media is

affecting social media.

There are 6 principal reasons that social media is affecting social media.

How has journalism changed over the years?

Journalism has incorporated the use of social media in terms of faster and more effective news because of smart technology and apps.

What is a journalist MOST favorite app?

A.FacebookB.InstagramC.TwitterD.All of the above


Social media news are always reliable sources of information.

True or False
