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Props we will be using


The word "prop" is short for "property," referring to an object or piece of scenery used by the actors as part of the scene. Movie props serve much the same purpose as stage props: enhancing the drama and helping the actors do their jobs. More specifically, they can be invaluable components in the overall story, and even come to symbolize the movie itself.


Ripped Tights

These indicate Ashley’s had a rough night, and has given up with caring what she looks like. They connote that she is feeling down and deflated.


This shows the type of person the females are. Whilst it is a common theme of a teen drama they also have connotations of addiction and breaking the rules so we are using the steriotypical view of Cigarettes to portay our characters.

Water bottle

We are using this prop to show that Ashley itsn’t feeling herself and is maybe trying to feel better before she gets home.

Tight dress

The dress indicates where Ashley has been- a party, the viewer would not of known anything about this before which shows that it is signifcant.

The letter

The letter is a very important prop as it’s the thing that indicates what the rest of the storyline is linked to.

Coat/Bags/Shoes Post

Where we are filming in the county building we need to use some props to make it look more homely. The scene is meant to be Ashley’s hallway so we will hang a coat up, line shoes and scatter post by the door.