It’s ideas time!


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It’s ideas time!

• Step 1:

Your task is to come up with four workable ideas for your coursework project. This should be done for prep and should be done alone. Do not discuss your ideas with anyone at this stage.

Task during HalfTerm:

• Step 2:

Produce a two paragraph synopsis for each idea.

• The first paragraph should be a short synopsis of the plot of the film. What is the whole film about?

• The second paragraph should be a synopsis of the opening title sequence. What do we see in the opening titles?

• Put them in your order of preference, best idea first.

• Step 3:

• Take your favourite idea and develop it into a pitch you will give to the whole group. No powerpoint or anything else required. Just a simple, short, verbal pitch.

• •

• You will then present these ideas to the whole group and we will offer feedback on what we think of your idea.

• Is it achievable? Does it sound visually interesting? Does the film concept interest us? Etc. etc.

• Finally, you will then be given the opportunity to rework your ideas, taking on board the feedback you receive, and finalise the four ideas you will bring to the table when we split into groups.

Some links to feed your creativity•

