Isle of Wight County Press Newspaper: Looking at comparisons and contrasts between the newspaper and...


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Unlike the newspaper website’s masthead, there are no signs or symbols advertising social media (there is also obviously no search engine). Instead there are two advertisements, one for ‘Island Life’ and one for the ‘Isle of Wight College’. The name of the newspaper is obviously included, placed right in the middle of the mast head, along with the price of the newspaper and the date that the newspaper is published.

Like the newspaper website the Isle of Wight County Press newspaper uses the same colours, (red, white and black) to create the look of a traditional form of a typical newspaper. The style and colours of the font used for the newspaper name has also been kept the same.

In contrast to the newspaper features are not laid out under specific headings/features. News articles are found in the centre of the front page of the newspaper, along with various advertisements that have been placed over most of the front page. The main article in the centre and the line of advertisements are laid out in a more landscape style.

Advertisements feature on the front page of the newspaper. They can be found in all four corners of the newspaper, and are also placed in a line underneath the mast head.

Articles are also not sorted into different sections either. The two articles that are featured have no relation to each other what so ever.

The layout of the articles on the inside pages are set out by having some of the articles laid out in a landscape style, and some of the articles laid out in a portrait style.

Advertisements also feature on the inside pages, however they are all grouped together on this page, unlike the advertisements shown on the front page.

Articles that feature on this page also appear to have no immediate connections to each other.

The newspaper seems to stick to the red, white and black colour scheme, and other colours only feature with advertisements and images.
