How does your media product represent particular social groups?


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On my front cover I used the colour pink to represent girls. I also used female models to represent girls as they are my target audience, according the Uses and Gratifications theory people search for their Personal Identity in the media, this means they look for things to represent themselves. My models are in dresses to again appeal to the female audience, their isn’t much of a sexual element that could attract the male audience as the dresses aren’t very revealing. The language I use is very simple to appeal to a stereotypical teenagers lazy ways, it is also language you would see on a gossip magazine which stereotypically women read most. The layout, colours and language is all aimed at teenage girls aged 13-19.

On my contents page I kept with the pink colour scheme to carry on attracting the stereotypical teenage girl. They are dressed in a different outfit to appeal to a girls sense of fashion and also their need to search for their Personal Identity, according the Uses and Gratifications theory. The language and layout is again simple and easy to view so it appeals to the stereotypical lazy teenager. My models have direct mode of address to build personal relationships with the audience, they are also young and inside my target age range, I hoped this would help my audience to connect with them; this links to the Uses and Gratifications theory.

On my double page spread I again used the same young models to further a personal relationship connection with the audience. I used shapes to make the page more interesting and inviting. I didn’t write masses of writing for the interview as my focus group of teenage girls said they wouldn’t be bothered to read it all. I used a question and answer format as it is a simple layout and easy to read. I also added the box with information in as it is quick and easy to read and also makes the page look less dull.