A week in the life of an agency COO



Chief Operating Officer of Bloom Worldwide, Jay Cooper, talks us through his typical week at work. Follow #MyBloom on Twitter to find out what the Bloomers get up to at work and at play.

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A week in the life of an agency




About Jay Cooper Hi I’m Jay, COO at Bloom Worldwide.

I’ll be providing you with a sneak peek behind the scenes at Bloom.

Here’s what my week looks like.



Monday Captain’s Day

While other agencies are having meetings, we’re already doing the work! Today we’re planning for the next quarter’s activity based on insights we’ve gained.

Source: Leslie Archard via Flickr


Tuesday Explorer Day I am responsible for 2 areas of the business above others: Agency Operations and major client Account Management. I am always looking for insights to drive strategy for both of these, whether gathering social data from my team of analysts to find out more about client customer behaviour, or employee insights from our latest online poll.


Wednesday Locomotive Day Mid week is where it all comes together. It’s the busiest day of the week, as we make Wedndesday deadline day!

I’ll usually run after work, come rain or shine. Luckily, today it is not raining!



Thursday Connections Day This is where I usually break out of the office and visit our major clients, meet up with industry peers, find a networking event or look for new recruits to join Bloom. Today I am speaking at an event in London that I’ve organised (Social Business Lounge) alongside folk from Google, Adobe and Salesforce.


I call this my cohort day as I spend time with the team, working alongside them and planning for the following week. We’re awaiting a Desk Beers delivery and the table tennis table will soon be out – but only once we’ve done what we need to do!


Friday Cohort Day


Saturday and Sunday is a mixture of looking after my chickens, pigs and kids (not in that order). I start each morning with either a long run or a work-out, even if I have a hangover. I try not to overindulge, but sometimes I still do anyway…


Source: http://britainsfarmtoys.blogspot.co.uk/

About Bloom

Bloom Worldwide is an insight-driven digital agency specialising in social media, search and content. Insight-driven digital > better results

Clients who benefit from this approach include Toyota across 31 countries in Europe, Wiley Blackwell globally and Butlins in the UK.


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