2 Directors, 12 Social Media “Don’ts”


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Two Directors, Twelve Social Media “Don’ts”

Dustin Hickle and Leilani Squires

11. Don't Ignore the Importance of Social Media Marketing!

The data doesn't lie. Social media must be a part of your marketing plan.

• One out of every 7 minutes spent online is on Facebook. • Every second, 8,000 users like a photo on Instagram. • Over 400 million tweets are posted daily. • There are over 1 billion endorsements on LinkedIn. • 80% of Pinterest pins are repins. • Social generates almost double the leads of other key marketing


22. Don’t Compose Posts that are Too Detailed.

People have become expert skimmers when reading anything online. So, write for skimmers.

Don’t use three words when one will do. Keep posts short enough that audiences catch your message at a glance.

This also allows your followers, especially on platforms like Twitter, to add their own comments when they share your posts.

33. Don't be Just Like Everyone Else.

You are your own business, with unique people and personalities.

Establish your voice and a message that helps reach your goals and connects with your target audience. Be creative!

44. Don’t Allow Misspellings, Typos,

and/or Grammar Mistakes.

For the love of everything good in this world, please proofread before you click “Post!”

We’re begging you!

Showcasing your personality doesn’t permit you to appear uneducated or unprofessional. Nothing causes more scrutiny or doubt in your expertise than mistakes in your content.

Don’t Forget the Four Rs: 1. Run spellcheck. 2. Read it aloud to catch anything that sounds awkward. 3. Recognize words that are not correct (e.g. it’s/its or their/there/

they’re). 4. Re-check dates and details.

5. Don't Use the Wrong Platform for the

Wrong Purpose.5

Platforms have their own audiences and cultures.

Identify the best fit for you and post the right type of content for each network.

For example, videos are not ideal for Pinterest.

66. Don’t Neglect to Double-Check Your Choice of Words.

The English language can be quite challenging, especially if you’re in a hurry. Make sure you really mean what you typed, and know the difference between things like:

• Accept vs. except • Affect vs. effect • A lot vs. alot (hint: one of these is not a word!) • Breath vs. breathe • Through, threw, thorough, though

If you’re in doubt, check it before you post it. Google is your friend.

77. Don't Use Too Many Hashtags.

Hashtags are great for labeling messages and even extending reach.

But for brands, overusing them is just annoying and looks like you are trying too hard.

Choose your hashtags wisely.

88. Don’t Post Only About Your Products or Services.

Use the 80/20 rule:

80% of your material should be follower-focused, and 20% can feature your company or services.

Otherwise, you become “that guy” who only talks about himself at parties.

99. Don't Forget Images.

In a world as visual as ours, do you really think you can get away without using photos? At least 75% of posts need an image.

I recommend tools like Canva and PicMonkey.

1010. Don’t Post Whenever/Whatever

You’re Feeling.

Know when not to post—when you’re:

• Angry, • Stressed, • Or tired.

This also goes for responding to difficult customers who leave negative remarks on your social media.

1111. Don't Post it and Forget it.

Social media is social.

It offers an opportunity to connect with fans.

People don't often reach out to connect with a brand—so when they do, reward them with a reply, a good conversation, or answers to their questions.

1212. Don’t Assume You Know What People Want.

Experiment with the types of content and calls-to-actions you offer.

You may think you know what people want, but experimentation often reveals what their desires on a deeper, more targeted level.

Study your analytics, like Google Analytics, to analyze and learn from your tests.

12. Don’t Assume You Know What People Want.
