


Trending is a Twitter breakdown for new users

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By: R. Taylor Mackenize

R Taylor Mackenzie

Hashtagging is a method of organizing data on social media

“OCD?”Ryan via flickr

It allows you to connect to a group specific to your interests

“Guess the web site” Dysanovic via Flickr

Trending refers to the most popular hashtags on twitter for a given area

“FOTE12 trending on Twitter” Frank Steiner via Flickr

“My Twitter Class of '08” Mallix via Flickr

Why Twitter Followers are Important?

72% of Twitter users are more likely to buy a product

after following the brand

R Taylor Mackenzie

Where is Twitter a Step Above?

Twitter is the most effective form of social media for conversing

about live events

“Luke” Jon Jablonky Via Flickr

Live tweeting refers to the act of tweeting about an event in real time

“Cell Phone lights” David Joyce via flickr

54% of Super Bowl ads use Hashtags

R Taylor Mackenzie

80% of the World's Political Leaders

have TwitterR Taylor Mackenzie

Steps Strengthen your Twitter Presence

Create a Full Twitter Profile

“Twitter Profile Update” Bryan Wilkins via flickr

Use a Real Photo of Yourself

R Taylor Mackenzie

Follow Experts in Your Field

“Desert Leader” Hamed Saber Via flickr

Stay Positive

“Positive Thinker” Leland Francisco via flickr

Engage with Twitter Giants

“Mismached” John Watson via Flickr

Include Your


“Day 139” Kyle Steed via flickr

Use Relevant Hashtags But Not too Many

“#nightmare Project” misspixels via Flickr