Introduction to Blog Funders Crowd Funding Platform


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Launch: February 12, 2015

Has innovative ideas for change?

Has projects and improvements to make?

Believes in the power and importance of blogging?

Enjoys teaching through blogging?

Wants to expand or monetize a blog site?

Lacks funding to do your job?

Talented Bloggers Now Have a Crowd Funding Platform: Blog Funders.

Why Blog Funders?

We built the site on

the fundamental

belief that blogging


crowd funding are

essential in our

global human



Blogging• Digital• Communication • Collaboration• Commodity • Exchange of Meaning• Multidirectional• Global • Instantaneous

Crowd Funding• Digital• Communication • Collaboration• Commodity • Exchange of Value and Meaning• Multidirectional• Global • Instantaneous

Blogging and Crowd Funding Are Digital Siblings

Blog Funders values social media because digitally connecting the world is the highest human cultural evolution.

We see blogging and crowd funding as the digital democratization of financing and writing through social media.

Our Values Compelled Us to Innovate

Darin L. Hammond

We provide an exclusive platform, joining bloggers with crowd funding.

We help you decide on your needs and create a campaign for funding.

We assist you in mobilizing your own community to fund your project.

We give you all the tools and the space to run a successful campaign to earn money for blogging projects.

Work hard and refuse to accept failure. Blog

Funders will help you through the process. Head

to right now.

You are an important blogger and deserve funding

for your projects. Get started.

From your companions in the pursuit of great blogging at Blog Funders.

Let us know how we can help you. • Web:• Email:• Phone: 208.206.3509