Grow Your Business - with a High Performing Web Presence


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How We Can Help You to

With a High Performing Web Presence

Grow Your Business

© Copyright 2016 Big Bang Design Ltd t/a Big Bang. All Rights Reserved.

Insights from the experts on increasing your revenue through online activity.


This quick guide will give you an

overview of some of the activites we use

to deliver a successful online presence

for clients. As an experienced agency, we

have insights into what works and also

where many small businesses fall short

when trying to increase sales through

their own online activities.

We hope this guide is useful and if you

have any questions or comments, we’d

love to hear from you so we’ve included

our contact details at the end.

Note: You may notice that we mainly refer to Google even

though other search engines are available. This is due to

Google’s high market share and for simplicity in this

guide. Principles apply to all major search engines.

Reaching Your Target Audience

Turning Visitors into Customers

What’s in this Guide?

© Copyright 2016 Big Bang Design Ltd t/a Big Bang. All Rights Reserved.


Digital Advertising

User Experience

Reporting & Analysis for Even Bigger WinsAnalytics

In ConclusionIt’s All Connected

What Can I Do Now?

Unlocking the Mystery

SEOOrganically Reaching Your Target Audience


There are many misconceptions around

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) but the

truth is that Google just wants to present

it’s users with the most relevant search


In order to connect your business with your

target audience through Search Engines, your

website should be built using Google’s

recommended best practices. This helps

Google understand your content better so

they can connect your services with the

people who are searching for them.

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What are Some of the SEO Best Practices?


Page titles and descriptions

should be carefully crafted for

each page with relevant

keywords. Quality metadata

contributes to SEO ranking and

Adwords performance.


A relatively recent standard

designed to add an extra layer of

description to the unseen

website code. MicroData helps

Search Engines understand and

categorise your content. See

Google Rich Snippets.


As Google wants to deliver the

best quality results to it’s users,

your website should be

regularly updated with quality,

and unique content. This can be

quite a commitment, but can also

pay dividends over time.

Quality Backlinks

Google wants to see an organic

profile of gradually earned links

to your site from other relevant,

authoritative websites. This

highlights a quality, long-term

commitment. The SEO rewards

are there if this is done properly.

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Site Structure

Your website should have a clear

hierarchical structure with a

separate page for each topic.

This makes content easy for

Search Engines to follow,

understand and organise in

search results.

Powerful, Instant & Highly Targeted

Digital AdvertisingReaching Your Target Audience


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When set up correctly, Digital Advertising

can be powerful and effective in targeting

your specific audience and driving

additional sales.

There are many digital advertising options,

from Google’s AdWords and AdSense

platforms, to Facebook Ads and the

numerous affiliate programs that are

becoming more prevalent across the internet.

The key is knowing where to find your

audience and applying the right strategies to

get not just clicks but sales.

Know Your Audience

You should have a good idea of

who your target audience is and

from there you can work out the

most appropriate ad network.

For example, Linkedin Ads is

generally an effective platform

for B2B services.

How to be Successful with Digital Advertising

Brand Awareness

It’s not always just about clicks.

Display ads can be used to simply

make your brand more familar to

an audience. This can lead to

brand awareness and drive

immediate and long term sales.

Social Media

The major Social Network

advertising platforms offer

highly detailed targeting by

demographics & interests. This

can be a cost effective way to

build further brand awareness

and quality traffic.

Track Conversions

Instead of just analysing the

number of clicks to your site, you

should also analyse the number

of sales in order to work out the

Cost Per Action (CPA) and Return

on Investment (ROI).

Quality Score

Many advertising platforms will

calculate a Quality Score (QS)

based on a number of factors. A

higher QS means less expensive

clicks. Your ads must be well

written, specific, and most

importantly - lead to a relevant

optimised landing page.

Proceed with Caution

Although we would nearly

always recommend digital

advertising, you should at least

at least consult an experienced

agency, as cost effective results

can often only be gained with

expert knowledge.

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To Inform, Delight and Convert

User ExperienceConverting Visits to Sales


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Before sending any new traffic to your

website through SEO improvements or

Digital Advertising, you need to ensure

the User Experience (UX) is designed to

maximise conversions.

As the web and it’s supporting technologies

mature, people are becoming more

accustomed to great online experiences. If

your website does not provide this, there is

little chance of seeing an increase in revenue.

By improving your User Experience (UX), you

will keep visitors on your website for longer

so you can better inform them about your

products/services and guide them towards a



Website load times - especially

on mobile - are a critical part of

the experience. Google now uses

page speed as a factor in Search

results! This is driven by the fact

that people simply do not wait

for slow sites to load.

What Makes a Great User Experience?

Mobile Friendly

As mobile search quickly

overtakes desktop, it makes

sense to have a website that

works well on mobile. This has

also become an important

ranking factor for Google Search


Simplistic Navigation

By allowing visitors to easily find

the information they are looking

for within your website, you are

clearing a path for visitors to

become your customers. It takes

great design to make this work!

Clear Calls to Action (CTAs)

If a potential customer finds

their way to your website and is

ready to buy, make it easy for

them with clear Calls to Action.

Often this means big,

contrasting buttons that make

the desired action more obvious.


Concise paragraphs with

optimum text size make it easier

for visitors to read and under-

stand your offering. No need for

acres of text, just be clear and to

the point, and guide visitors

towards a sale.


Build user trust with the all

important Green SSL indicator. A

website that accepts any kind of

user info should have an SSL

certificate. This is also a

ranking factor in Search.

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Using Data to Maximise Sales

AnalyticsReporting & Analysis for Even Bigger Wins


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Tools such as Google Analytics capture

and display raw data from your

website. The key is turning that data into

effective action to further boost your


There are many data points available by

default but with a little customisation,

Google Analytics (and other reporting tools)

can be fine-tuned to deliver the most

relevant insights for your particular business.

Understanding what’s happening means you

can take more confident action and assign

the appropriate budget to grow your


How Do I Get Better Insights?

Goal Setting

Find out if your SEO and Digital

Marketing efforts are giving you

the desired ROI by setting up

goals in Analytics. You’ll see what

your most effective activities are

and be able to decide where to

assign resources.


You can isolate and analyse

different trends within your data

for better insight into your

customers’ behaviour.


Ensure you are working with a

clean data-set by filtering out

spam, internal traffic and other

irrelevant data sources.

Event Tracking

Events can measure various

interactions such as clicks on

links or buttons, or even how far

down a page a user scrolled. This

gives you a better picture of how

visitors are using your website.


The steps a visitor must take to

become a customer can be

defined and tracked. This way

you can see where the drop off

points are and act accordingly.

Demographics & Interests

By understanding your users

better, you can plan your content

and digital advertising spend

more effectively.

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Joining the Dots

It’s All ConnectedIn Conclusion


We’ve provided you with just a selection

of some of the activities that go into

online growth. The key is to address all

aspects of your online presence by using a

little expertise and a commitment in the

long term to see the biggest impact.

A foundation for online growth is a fast and

secure website with great user experience,

built to support your optimised content. You

can then create the perfect ad campaigns,

targeted at your core audience, while

building your organic traffic with regular

quality content. As businesses of all sizes

move online, you can take advantage with

some regular effort and a little help from an


© Copyright 2016 Big Bang Design Ltd t/a Big Bang. All Rights Reserved.

Quick Wins

Although there is no substitute for

implementing a comprehensive strategy,

there may be some relatively quick and

simple changes you can make to see

some uplift in your online based revenue.

We provide free, no obligation website

audits to give you some initial insight.

Contact us for more information.

Big Bang provides all of the services

needed to implement the principles

described in this guide. We also design and

develop Apps and specialise in the

integration of CRM / customer databases

with online facilities.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about

this guide or if you would like to

talk to us about your online

growth, please get in touch.

+353 1 443 3435tel:



What Can I Do Now?

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