Trending and viral story of jennie, new york 3rd 4 parts


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Misunderstandings destroy everything! Jennie and Martin were not together anymore..

Martin was still in hangover in the morning and I was still in the dreams. But where was Jennie? I was looking at Martin and he was trying to hide his awkwardness. To make him comfortable, I came closer to him and he hugged me tightly. Wow, it was great! I was feeling it! Martin was now fully conscious and he was actually loving me.

I remembered those days when he use to put his fingers in my curly hairs and point his fingers in my cheek’s dimples. My dimples were the favorite for him as at least 10 times a day he use to say, I love your dimples Alice! But yes, he always had a problem!

The problem was my spectacles. His point was why you hide your beautiful big eyes behind these glasses? And my answer was always!! Shut up! We were the hottest couple in the College 2 years back and I reduced 10 kg that time to look slim for Martin. Wow, what were the days when I was so hot, that every boy wished to flirt with me, but my crush was on Martin.

Compared to that day, today I am just a bit overweight, but my curves, curls are same and he was still loving me, kissing me and spending time with me. I wish time could stop here only. Matters not if he is in hangover or doing it intentionally, I just wish he should continue it. I too started kissing him back and my hands were on his back giving him massage that he likes the most. Suddenly he said, sorry.. please stop! I was like… suddenly back to Earth.I saw him getting up and putting his clothes and I too started getting ready.

Then he drove me to my house and we both were just listening songs. We didn’t exchanged a single word during the drive and I was knowing he too is thinking about Jennie like me. Even she was my best friend and for me too it was surprising what all happened!

He stopped and I was getting out but suddenly I said, where’s Jennie and Kevin? Let’s call her! Martin nodded his head and dialed her number and it was disconnected! What, she disconnected my phone? What the hell is going on? Now, I can see change of expressions and even I was carrying the same expressions. Expressions of anger!

She disconnected your phone?? Let me try it! I dialed her number and.. the response was the same. She disconnected my number too! Now, there’s something wrong! I am sure there’s something wrong! Let’s have a look at her home first! Although Martin was angry, but he was ready and we both started to reach her house.. I was still thinking.. what happened to Jennie. Is everything fine??

We, reached Jennie’s house and her mom opened the door. We both asked almost at the same moment- Is Jennie there? And she said yes, she is getting ready for going somewhere. Why what happened? Now, I took a deep breath of relief but now it was anger that was increasing. I am sure same was the case with Martin, rather he might be more angry than me. We both wanted to get in but we saw Jennie coming.

Hey, where were you? When and why you came from party? Jennie just looked at us and walked away without saying a word. It was embarrassing, not just for me but Martin and her mom as well. What is this for a behavior? She did a mistake and acting rudely with us? What’s wrong with us! And what is this for a behavior that someone is standing at the door of your house and you walk away even without caring to say hi?

We saw her starting her car and driving away. It was terrible, really terrible! Her mother asked- what happened? Is everything fine? We both were silent since answer was missing and it was best at that time to walk away without saying anything.

Martin asked me to come and we both started from Jennie’s home. We were silent and suddenly I said, what happened to Jennie! Why she’s behaving like this? Martin was angry and I heard him saying just these words— it’s not fair Jennie. Martin dropped me at home and I went to get ready for the school. I took shower very quick as my thoughts were troubling me again and again! What happened to Jennie! Why she’s behaving like this? Why she and Kevin went without saying anything? I, almost half in shower called her and she rejected my phone. Now, something is wrong! Seriously wrong!

I was about to start my car for school, that I got a call from Martin! She’s not picking my phone! What’s wrong with her! He almost shouted and I thought it’s better not to say that she did the same to me. So, I calmly said, no issues, let’s talk to her at school. I was driving but I was really worried and tensed! Everything was fine till party! What happened in the party! Why she’s behaving this like!

Jennie was angry and shattered and this was disturbing both Martin and Alice.. Finally the secret revealed

Martin followed Jennie and I thought it’s better to let them speak alone to sort the issue. I was standing nearby and tried to figure out the problem, but it was getting difficult! I saw both of them talking and I could see Jennie getting angry. She was almost shouting and I wanted to hear but couldn’t look at her and the reason was not at all known to me. Discussion was getting louder and now even Martin was bit loud. I thought its better to get into the discussion and so I started walking to join them but then something unexpected happened! Jennie slapped Martin! What?? Shit.. this was the word and I ran to get there, meanwhile Jennie walked away.

What happened Martin?? The response of Martin was nothing.. its all over! Means? Please tell me.. were my words. Jennie saw us together! It was like a huge rock exploded in front of me and I was half buried in the debris! How’s it possible? When she saw us? She was not there in the party! We saw her, she and Kevin were not there in the party! Things were really confusing, I was not able to understand what all happened! We were drinking and she and Kevin were dancing. And then they were not there!..

 I was not knowing how to react. It was really awkward. I was sweating like anything, though the weather was really pleasant. I wanted to say something but couldn’t managed to get the right words. Martin was upset and more then the guilt, I could see anger on his face. I heard him saying, its not fair Jennie! It’s not over yet! I was not knowing what to do! I couldn’t let my best friend go as she was everything to me.

I tried to console Martin and ask him to remain calm. But he was not at all interested to forget everything. He walked away in anger and I left for Jennie’s home. I was not knowing how to face her but I was required to do something. I went to her house and her mom opened the door. She seemed to be worried as well.

Before I could say anything, she said, is everything alright! Why Jennie came so early from school and why she has locked herself? I wanted to tell everything but was not having courage to speak. I just said don’t worry, let me talk to her! I will tell you everything! I knocked at the door and Jennie opened the door with words……. you bitch! How dare you to come here? Get lost!!

It was hard for me to hear these words. How could you say like this Jennie? I am your best friend. How could you even think that I want to come closer to Martin. It’s just a misunderstanding. Hearing this Jennie just shouted.. misunderstandings.. my foot! I saw everything by my own. How dare you to even come here! Where’s your love Martin, go and spend quality time with him only. Saying these words, she almost tried to drag me out of the room, but I insisted on being there. Just listen to me first! At least let me say what I wanted to say! We had a big fight and I even don’t remember what sort of hot discussions we exchanged.

Jennie had a big fight with Alice, was this the reason of her suicide?

Finally, she was ready to hear! Okay tell me what bunch of lies you have for me! Then I started! First of all what you saw is not true! Although there was something between me and Martin but it was 2 years back when you were not there in his life. Moreover, I am your best friend.. I can’t even think of this! But what happened last night was just because we were drunk and Martin was jealous of Kevin. Even I was surprised, but now I realized he did that out of jealousy. I was not sure if I was able to make Jennie comfortable, but I guess she was getting convinced. At least, now her expressions were changing!But then why did you sleep with him? No, this is wrong! I just tried to take him to his home as he was totally drunk. We did nothing wrong. We reached his home, I managed him to put on  bed and then he kept on sleeping!

Please believe me! And that’s why I am here! Please Jennie don’t spoil your relation with Martin and me! He loves you, he loves you like anything and I am happy to have a friend like you! Jennie was now normal! She sat on the bed calmly and said– I slapped Martin! What did I do! He was saying he did nothing, but I was not listening to him. I spoiled everything. Oh God.. why this happened to me! Why I listened to Kevin!

What?? Kevin?? I was shocked to hear his name! You spied us just because of Kevin? You almost murdered your relation just because of Kevin? What happened! Please tell me exactly, what he said! Now, I could see the tears rolling down her cheeks. I was shocked, and now annoyed that Jennie did all this just because of a boy who was not so special for her. Moreover, thoughts were disturbing me that why Kevin did that!

What intention he was carrying! Was there something in his mind for Jennie?? Things were getting complicated! Really complicated! I could’t bear the twist and turns and wanted to know everything that happened that night! Everything was  fine until they were dancing and then everything changed! I wanted to uncover the dark side of that terrible night that brought a huge storm in all our lives!

Kevin had a crush on Jennie… that’s why he created misunderstandings? 

I am keen to know everything! Please tell me why Kevin was so interested in spying us? Asked Alice and then Jennie started after a pause. Please don’t take me otherwise but I was also carrying a secret past which is unknown to Martin as well. Jennie’s sentences were echoing in my ears and I was like.. what are you talking about! But I was listening carefully.Jennie started, Kevin was my boy friend and we were together for over 3 years.

He was my first love and he was the one who made me realized how beautiful I was, how special I was and what exactly the love is. Kevin was my best friend and we were together from our childhood. It was usual for me to spend time with him and he use to share each and everything with me. Our friendship was good and I was not serious about the relationship until one day when something strange happened, that changed everything. As she was revealing her past, just one thing was troubling me that Jennie had a secret life which she kept in private even from me.. She was now looking to me as a stranger girl sitting along the sea side and talking about her life for the first time.