Insulation for your home to lower your electric bill


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Insulation for your home to lower your electric bill

Installing the correct insulation for your home’s specific climate can play a major role in how effective your heating/cooling system is. Poor insulation can cause outside factors such as heat, dust, and moisture to affect the overall functionality and effectiveness of your AC unit. Insulation techniques and methods can be applied even after you’ve been with your current insulation package for years and really doesn’t require that much hassle to install. Consider contacting your local Del Mar Electrician to discuss their procedures and the options that are available to you regarding new insulation for your home.

Improper insulation can significantly affect your electricity bill and cause issues related heat and cooling losses. Your air ducts need to be properly insulated in order to effectively monitor the flow of hot and cold air that comes in and out of the various rooms in your home at any given time. A lack of insulation surrounding all of the air ducts connected to your central air conditioning unit will cause a significant spike in your electrical bill. Most Electrician San Diego will tell you that poor insulation is among the top causes of poor air quality and AC unit operation.

Energy that is stored and ran through your air conditioning unit is monitored by the system itself. It uses a mathematical equation to determine the amount of hot or cold air that should be supplied to your homes central air unit at any given time, as well as monitors the input of air flow to each duct connected to its system line.

AC Repair San Diego

When there is a lack of insulation surrounding an air duct, your system is not able to accurately calculate exactly how much air is being provided and at what exact temperature the air is currently at. This causes a series of problems that affect the overall performance of the unit itself. One of these issues is improper air circulation, think of a non-insulated air duct as a balloon with a hole in it. It’s very hard to stay solid being that there is air leaking from an exposed point.

Air Conditioning Del Mar

The same exact principle can be applied when speaking on properly ensuring your air ducts are insulated. If you central air conditioning system mistakenly reads the room input and temperature of an air duct that is not adequately insulated it will cause the entire function which your system performs to become unbalanced. This results in a significant increase of air flow into the non-insulted air duct being that the system cannot precisely read the temperature state or analytics regarding a specific flow-point.

AC repair Rancho Bernardo

Typically your unit will go into overdrive in an attempt to cool down or heat up the non-insulted air duct, this uses more energy and puts a strain on your air conditioning system. Unbalanced operation like this for extended periods of time can lead to significant issues that some simple insulation would’ve solved from the start. Things such as blow fuses, weak compressor, and coolant loss are among the potential dangers that could occur.

Air conditioning Rancho Bernardo

120 N Pacific St San Marcos San Diego 92106

California United States800-233-1950
