Hubbot - Team communication made easy


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hubbotTeam Communication made easy


Team communication is hard

No matter

Who trying to solve it.

A simple use case

Richa wants to rebuild xxx website


Responsive nature.

Richa[ Product Manager]

Sem[ Developer ]

Martin[ Designer ]

Meet richa’s team


Create a project in Basecamp

Assign task & due dates in Asanaq Need responsive markups #Martin @today

q Build responsive website #Sem

Setup a meeting using Skype/Hangout

Drop a message about meeting

on Slack

Now Martin

Create new folder in Dropbox

Get feedback on documents

on Redpen

Once documents approved

Than sem start working on it.

This process keep going back & forth

Until project finished.

That means

To get your basic work done

You juggle six to seven tabs

You loose a lot of time &


Meet Hubbot

‘‘ Team Communication made easy ’’

Hubbot makes your workflow

easier & super fast


You get what you need.

Boost productivity

Using instant text, voice & video chat.

Sharing is blazing fast


easily searchable & instantly accessible

draw & annotate on documents


Easy threaded feedback system

Edit documents in real time

Assign task & due dates

Also integration with popular apps

We pick everyone’s barrier in hand.

To make you feel like

A super hero

Thank you
