Why Intuition Matters More Than You Think



Why Intuition Matters More Than You Think The differences between the thinking mind and the intuitive mind and the relationship between thought and intuition. Get this right & it will make a big difference. Hacking your mind, hone your intuition.

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MORE Than You Think

Intuita http://intuita.com

Intuition gives you the vision and imagination to create from.

Intuita http://intuita.com

The purpose of your being emanates from intuition

Intuita http://intuita.com

Your consciousness is the creator. Intuition is the way it communicates. .

Intuita http://intuita.com

Intuition points the right way, based on your choices.

Intuita http://intuita.com

Intuition tells you why to go. Intuita http://intuita.com

Intuition tells you what’s important.

Intuita http://intuita.com

Intuition keeps you curious.

Intuita http://intuita.com
