Stage 5 construction of bamboo chairs



This PowerPoint contains information about actual construction of bamboo chair, with this it gives pictorial information about Cleaning, cutting, bending, measuring, treating and weaving etc...

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Stage 5: ConstructionConstruction of the chair

This PowerPoint Presentation is developed and created by :


• Material lists should have been given to your instructor.

• Teamwork: Everyone in the team should have equal jobs to do.

• Push yourself, this is a learning process. If you know your good at something teach someone else how to do it well and push yourself to do and learn something you are less good at instead.

• View this process as an experiment – feel free to make mistakes and learn from them.

Vigyan Ashram 2012 Construction

Cleaning, cutting, bending, measuring, treating and weaving ...

Group 1

Group 2

Day 2

Both Groups

Day 3

Day 4

4 days down... Tired?
