Modern Myth of Multitasking


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The Modern Myth of Multitasking:

How to get exhausted doing nothing at all

Here’s how to retrain your brain to develop real Time Management and Project Automation skills

“There’s no such thing as multitasking, there’s only making people wait.”

Our brain can’t possibly differentiate and tackle two dissimilar tasks at the same time

It’s about as productive and dangerous as texting while driving!

And computers have actually perpetrated the myth of multitasking while they kill our ability

to think.

Making us as productive as if we were texting while drinking!

It’s time to STOP. Retrain our brains. And take off again!

#1: Time Management always beats Multitasking

Start by, err, timing your time.

As a Sales Rep, Freelancer or SMB, here’s how you probably spend your day:

Column A:

10% Actively Selling

10% Generating Leads

14% Problem Solving

Column B:

18% Travelling

17% Personal

31% Admin

Column A brings you closer to your clients, thus closer to your goals.

And, hey, we all have to travel and take care of personal stuff…

But 31% administrative tasks is just crazy!

Automate that third of your life with time management tools!

You need the right tools to work together in the right way to do the work for you.

#2: Chunk, Don’t Task

Short-term memory can only hold 9 things or

less at once. !

These are the max “chunks” your brain can manage at the

same time.

Chunking is based on the idea that you are more likely to remember

things you care about, or is grouped significantly.

Chunking improves short-term memory with a keen focus on availability, reliability, usability.

Mnemonic Devices

We all remember “Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally.”

Have fun creating “grown-up” ones and you’ll never forget your “homework” again!

Create a visual calendar, where each task or project is related to an image

Make information Consumable

Never work on more than 9 projects at a time

Never set more than 9 actionable items Never use more than 9 bullet points

#3: Make your time count

Hourly Projects Long-term Projects

More and More

It may seem impossible NOT to multitask…

In comes Harvest…

Harvest lets you automate:

• Manage and view multiple projects by multiple co-workers

• Free your sales team to work on-site and remotely

• Track time on your desktop, smartphone, iPad, from anywhere

• Virtual stopwatch for project management

• Automatically reminds your colleagues to submit

timesheets, invoices

• Segregate time: billable vs. non-billable, employee vs.


• And all of it flows naturally into invoices so

you can get paid

Click Tell me more to sign up to receive

special discounts on PandaDoc

and Harvest

Next, save time and money closing deals faster, sending documents for electronic

signature with

And make sure also to truly disconnect and plan to have some fun once in awhile!
