Mealtime 101 Power Point Presentation



Fun & Informative presentation to teach new campers (and adults) about the procedures for meatimes at Camps Whispering Oaks & Winacka. Intended to be "burned" and distributed to Service Units, along with hardcopy of presentation guide. Created as a Silver Award Project by Taylor Ingalls, Troop 5007

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Meal-time 101A how-to for breakfast,

lunch, and dinner at camp

Does this stuff really matter???

• YES!!!! This is pretty important stuff.

• Next time you go to Winacka or Whispering Oaks you’ll practically be an expert.

How does the meal-time routine work?

• The first thing that happens are the hoppers coming in to set up

• Secondly, the adults come in before the girls, and spread out through the lodge

• The third thing is all of the campers coming in and sitting at the tables

• Next a greeting is sung• After that everyone eats• And last, but not least, is the clean-up

Table etiquette • Pass food around the table….not across• Remember that there are 8 people at each

table. make sure everyone gets the same amount of food.

• FEED YOUR HOPPER!!! Don’t forget about her! She needs food too.

Meals at camp are always served “family Style”.

Seconds!• You can get seconds when the Rusty/Chewy

sign is turned around so you can see their face.


• Hoppers are the people who get food for their table

• Hoppers come in early to help set up the tables

• Please, carry the food with two hands!!!

Just a note….

• When you are hopping it isn’t necessary for you to actually hop to the kitchen

• Remember, you are not a bunny rabbit.

Whispering Oaks

• The hopper will go up to the big window to get the food, carrying it with both hands

• Hoppers must walk through the center aisle of the lodge to get there

Footprints? What footprints?

Follow the rusty footprints from the right side of the stage

It’s not that hard….. you’ll get it.


This is the window at Winacka that the racked dishes come back to.

This is the window at Winacka where you get the food. the serving dishes also come back here.

More Windows!

This is the window at Whispering Oaks where you get your food. The serving dishes also come back here.

This is the window at Whispering Oaks that the racked dishes, mugs, and pitchers come back to.

Where do the hoppers sit?

The hopper sits here

The adult sits here

Stage/ front of room

The adult sits here

The hopper sits here

This is where the hopper sits…

Setting the table:

start with the plate on the table

Setting the table:

The bowl goes down upside-down on top of the plate

Setting the table:

The cup goes on the top right corner of the plate, also upside-down

Setting the table:

A napkin goes to the left

Setting the table:

A fork goes on top of the napkin

Setting the table:

A knife goes to the right of the plate

Setting the table:

A spoon goes to the right of the knife

• If you can’t remember which silverware goes on which side of the plate….this may help.

• LEFT & FORK have the same amount of letters• RIGHT, KNIFE, & SPOON all have the same

amount of letters

forkleft right


A helpful hint:


Before taking your table’s dishes back, every person at the table needs to:

• Separate the trash from the compost• Clean off their silverware, and• SCRAPE THEIR PLATE AND BOWL


DISHES (cont.)

• If the dishes aren’t properly cleaned you WILL be eating sanitized bits of food from your last meal.

• So, make sure you clean every piece of food off of your dishes.

• The dishwashers aren’t like the ones at home, they just sanitize the dishes

Another note…

• If you have something sticky, like syrup on your plate, try using a leftover orange to help get it off.

• Just make sure nobody wants the orange first

• Orange peels and banana peels also work.

The dishwasherIn order to get your dishes cleaned, they have to be racked the right way so they fit in the machine

Dish Racks:This is what a PROPERLY racked rack of dishes looks like:

It has 8 plates, 8 bowls, and 8 cups

Here’s what it looks like from another angle:





















What’s wrong with this picture???

That’s Right!!!








56 7 7






There are only 7 of each thing…

There needs to be 8

What’s wrong here???

Wow…that was easy.

There should be one row of plates…

One row of bowls

And one row of cups


• The silverware needs to be cleaned off VERY well

• On the table there will be a cylindrical white basket with small holes in it

• Place your silverware into it, with the handles up

This area is for…..

Silverware basket

Side view

Top view

Side view of Basket With silverware

Side view of basket with silverware

Contents of the basket:


1 rubber spatula

8 forks8 spoons

8 knives 2 serving


Pitchers and Mugs

• At some point during camp, you may end up using a mug.

• You can find the mugs at the front of the room.

• Either on the stage (Winacka), or next to the coffee machine (Whispering Oaks)

Pitchers and Mugs (cont.)

• Take your mugs and pitchers to the smaller window.

• But make sure that there is nothing them first.

Water pitcher mugsPunch pitcher

• Water can be thrown into the bushes or dirt outside

• Leftover drinks should be dumped back into the pitcher to be dumped down the sink.

This is what the sink looks like

• The chunks from the soup can go into the trashcan. There will be a colander there to do so.

• The liquids can go back to the kitchen be dumped in the sink

These are the soup pitchers

Different kinds of pitchers

Water pitcher

Soup/hot chocolate pitcher….without lid

Soup/ hot chocolate pitcher with lid

Punch/lemonade pitcher

Soup/hot chocolate pitchers

Drink pitchers

Which one do you think is the serving bowl?How about the regular bowl?

Serving bowls v. Regular bowls

•The serving bowls are different colors than the regular bowls•They’re usually pink or blue….

Serving Bowl:

Regular bowl:• A regular bowl is the bowl that you eat out of• It’s the one on top of your plate• The regular bowls also have a lip

Serving bowl or regular bowl?


Which type of bowl is this?


Salad Bowl:• The Salad bowls are

the ones that are generally used for salad

• They are the clear bowls.

Greetings & Closings• Before and after every meal there is a song • The song before the meal is called a Greeting.

(Sometimes called a Grace.)• Don’t start eating until after the greeting• Some examples of greetings are:– “Superman”– “Neath These Tall Green Trees”– “The Cowgirl Grace”– Etc.

Greetings & Closings (cont.)• The song after the meal is the closing song.• After the closing song it’s time to clean up• Closing songs can be any short camp song.• Some examples of closing songs are:– “The Alligator Song”– “Buddies and Pals”– “The Dinosaur Song”– Etc.

The kapers for clean-up are:• Taking the serving dishes back to the counter• Sweeping• Trash• Compost• Racking(as previously discussed), and• Wiping the table


SERVING DISHES• The first kaper is taking the serving

dishes back to the counter.• This includes:– Serving bowls–Pitchers– Salad bowls and–Various trays

TRAYS This tray is often used for veggies

This is used for things like muffins and bread

This one usually has eggs and things like that

A lot of the time, this will have fruit

•There are a bunch of different trays•Each one is for a different thing

SWEEPING• At Whispering Oaks go

through the door at the back of the room and go to the left. There will be a closet with brooms.

• At Winacka go through the big doors leading outside and go down the ramp. At the bottom to the right will be the brooms.

Don’t forget that after every meal you must sweep the lodge

TRASH & COMPOST• Trash (non-compost) includes: napkins, empty

packets, sausage, bacon, and cereal• Compost includes: oranges, bananas, apples, carrots,

and celery• If you aren’t sure if something is compost

or not, ask an adult.

Compost Non-Compost (trash)

WIPING• Go up to the front of the room and get a

sponge• Once your done bring it back to the front• Keep in mind: the sponges are NOT be used

for dishes!!!• And don’t forget to clean the tables in

between the cracks.

Singing tree• Once you’ve finished cleaning, ask the adult

at your table if you can go to singing tree• The singing tree at Whispering Oaks is the

porch• At Winacka the singing tree it’s the benches

outside the big doors

Picture: singing tree at Winacka

Water• Don’t forget to drink plenty of water!!! You have to

drink at least 3 glasses at each meal. • Sometimes the water at camp is a bit yellowish…..but

it’s not dirty It just has a lot of iron in it. The water comes from the well shown here

That’s it.

• Now you know practically everything there is to know about meal-times at Girl Scout camp.

• DON’T FORGET TO THANK YOUR COOKS!!!!They’ll appreciate it.

Girl Scouts are so good that they have an A rating!Just like your favorite restaurant
