Is it passion or not


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Career and Goal Development

Do you want to know if your career is your passion or not?

This checklist will do the trick.

Is it easy and natural to you? Yes Does it get stronger each day? Yes Do you feel excited and energetic

whenever you work or share your passion to others? Yes

Does your passion help you and other people to live better? Yes

Do you have desire to wake up early the next day to work on your passion? Yes

Do you take time to discover and learn new knowledge and skill for your passion constantly? Yes

Are you able to answer questions easily about your passion? Yes

Do you seek or watch out for events or opportunities that related to your passion? Yes

Do you feel that your passion contribution is well respected and appreciated? Yes

Do you feel proud when you share your passion with others? Yes

Do you feel optimistic about your future? Yes

Do you want to be the best at what you do? Yes

Are you willing to share your products or service for free? Yes

Is your passion come to your mind when you are bored? Yes

Is thinking about lunch or break times the last thing on your mind? Yes

Do you get bored when you work on your passion? No

The more “Yes” you have, the stronger your passion will become.

If you have a few “No” on the check list, then re-evaluate your career/passion to see where you can improve so you can get more “Yes” on the check list.

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