How Fight Or Flight Responses Are Killing Your Seduction Efforts


DESCRIPTION Whenever you come up against a potential conflict, your caveman brain responds as if the threat was real, present, and physical. This is how to understand how to avoid that, and get more girls. To learn more, please visit

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Talking to girls can be the most difficult thing a guy ever does.

We often kid ourselves into thinking it gets easier as we get older, but usually

that's just a self deceptive con job.

We just learn more tricks, based on experience, to cover up our anxiety.

When a situation unexpectedly pops up, and your face to face with a

GORGEOUS girl that's just PERFECT for you, we tend to avoid "confrontation."

Even when talking to girls, that "fight or flight" mechanism is always present.

Only we are thinking about fighting with our fists, it's more of a "below the

surface" word competition.

She's got something we want, and we've got to use our skills, our

personality, our language to convince her to give it to us.

(I don't mean THAT!)

I just mean her attention, focus, and attraction.

(THAT comes later!)

But if we were totally upfront and honest with ourselves, we'd be


So instead of "fight" (talking to her in a way that's it's clear we are attracted to her and we'd think it'd be pretty cool if

she were attracted to us, and risking the rejection if she isn't) we shift

toward "flight" meaning we hide from our true desires.

We tell ourselves lies like, "I'm not really looking for a relationships," or

"She's not my type," or "I didn't really intend to meet anybody tonight," or any other common self-deception.

Then all risk is gone.

Not because we are older and more wiser, but because we just ran away

from the situation (in our minds) instead of facing it head on.

Here's a pretty controversial metaphor for you.

In the Yanomamo, a culture in the rainforests of Brazil that still live like

our ancient hunter gatherers, the guys who've killed the most men get the

most girls.

The guys who FIGHT instead of FLIGHT get all the girls.

This is programmed into girls on a DEEP level.

They don't even know it's happening.

They don't know WHY they're attracted to certain guys, especially when they're different from their

socially acceptable "Shopping List."

But we know.

Girls like guys who fight instead of flight.

Now, in our own modern society, this doesn't mean actual physical violence.

But it DOES mean accepting and embracing social confrontation.

Even "confrontation" is to strong a word.

When you're "on the spot," what do you do?

"Man up" and make it clear you'd like her affections?

OR pretend that you don't really care, and that kind of stuff is below you?

Simply by accepting the "confrontation" and meeting it, win or

lose you WILL become MUCH more attractive in her eyes.

Of course, in the realm of seduction, the best fighting tools are not knives

or clubs or baseball bats.

They are words.


The way you can elicit her emotions, overcome her objections and make her feel those wonderful feelings.

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