Family relations




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Family Relations


Andy Escott

Zack Patti


• We chose the topic of family relations because it played a huge role in, Twisted.

• We also feel that this lays a big role in many teenagers and young adults lives.

• Tyler doesn’t get along with his parents. He is always fighting with his dad and sometimes his mother.

Together or Divorced?

• According to the College Student Journal, most kids that have divorced parents end up fighting with them more often.

• Teenagers whose parents are still together have much better relationships with them.

• Teenagers with parents that are together usually fight less often.

Together or Divorced (the sequel)

• After looking at our surveys, we found that teenagers have better relationships with their parents if they are together.

• Teenagers with divorced parents usually rated their relationship with their parents lower. (Many 2’s and 1’s)

• Our surveys backed up what College Teen Journal concluded.

Mom or Dad?

• In Twisted, Tyler fights with his father much more than he fights with his mom.

• His father is rarely home and when he is, he is usually yelling at Tyler.

• He always seems to be in a terrible mood.

• Tyler’s mother, on the other hand, tries to help him and stick up for him is certain situations.

Mom or Dad (part 2)

• Our results were a bit different than how Twisted was written.

• According to our surveys, we found that many people got along with their mothers more than they did with their dads.

• Their mothers are easier to talk to and are usually around more.


• According to an article written by Jared Meyer, fights will occur between siblings.

• His article states that it is extremely uncommon for two siblings not to fight.

• All siblings will have their problems with each other.

Siblings (numero dos)

• Tyler has a sister in the book Twisted.

• Tyler is one of the few exceptions to Meyers articles.

• Tyler and his sister rarely fought in the book.

• They were actually really good friends.

Siblings (numero tres)

• After taking surveys of students at west, we found that most teenagers back up Meyers article.

• Many teenagers we surveyed fight with their siblings.

• West Seneca West is different than the book Twisted.

Healthy Families

• One thing that all healthy families should have is trust. With out trust in a family there could be many fights.

• According Teen Health and Wellness trust is very important for a healthy relationship.

Healthy Families 2

• Do you feel like you have a good relationship with your family?

• What do you think about Tyler's relationship with his parents?

• If you have siblings and you fight, is your family a healthy family?

Work Cited

1) Meyer, Jared. “Dealing With Your Parents.” Teen Health and Wellness. Rosen, 2010. Web. 6 Dec. 2010.

2) DeCuzzi, Angela. Knox, David. Zusman, Marty. “The Effect of Parental Divorce on Relationships With Parents and Romantic Partners of College Students.” BNET. 12/10/10.

3) Meyer, Jared. “Sibling Rivalry.” Teen Health and Wellness.” Rosen, 2010. Web. 10 Dec. 2010.