Fair Dinkum Flamingos Chapter 10




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“Aussie! Aussie! Aussie! Oi! Oi! Oi!”

“Can I have your attention please!”

Ani-Mei: “Is it the Australian Super Bowl?”

Amylu” Hey I was right in the middle of winning a bet over a plate of grilled cheese!”

Scribbles: ”This doesn’t look like Nic’s Interlude.”

Karima “Yeah, where is the vampire eye candy?”

Jess: “And why are you wearing those flamingos?!” >gag<

“Well I was writing and shooting Nic’s interlude and in between I was reading some OWBC’s updates and got to missing my own. So I thought, I

could play that for a bit of fun. But I can’t really play it without writing it, so I brought you all here to get some Rolley eye candy instead.”

>flicks on TV<

Jessie “Do I really want to see Holley with him?” >grumble<

Esme: “I say let’s watch and keep the peace.”


Warning: This update was slapped together over three whole days and is currently being held up with Aussie Vegemite and American jam, so you

may want a bucket. It contains disconnected ‘jumpage’, poor jokes and one leaf wearing bad apple.

*I wonder why we were dropped so far from the house?*

“When I said I’d like a room with a view I didn’t mean this much view Jo!”

“Peach, any idea what is going on?”

“Yes it’s_”

“Don’t tell me, it’s a surprise new grand estate, right?”

“Well it’s definitely a surprise and it is new...”

“Jo’s updating us with all the mod cons, I knew I was worth it!”

“I wish I could say that was it, but what really happened is Jo thought the old place was glitched, so we got moved next door.”

“Right, so we just have to wait for her to build a new house, I hope it’s good!”

“About that...it may not have been the house; it may be my Dads fault. They should have been here with the money, but he’s stuck in limbo inside

the sim bin.”

“Oh I’m sorry, and your mum?”

“Mum, Ming and Flo are stuck too, but Jo’s working on getting them out.”

“Hang on if they’re in the simbin with the money, what we have down here to build with?!”

“We have thirteen thousand and the deed to the grilled cheese restaurant. The deed to the club house seems to have vanished too.”

“Oh this is bad. I just hope Jo can get them all back safely and things will be okay. I can’t have three babies in a no plumbing, no electricity shack like

Tina did!”


It didn’t look good at all. The old lot wouldn’t load so I moved everyone out. But they (Chewy, Opal and two servo’s) can’t move into this or any

other lot either as the game crashes. I’m not sure, but I think it’s Chewy who is glitched, as the elder male glitch originated with him. This hood

should have been rebuilt but it never was, it’s still the original. So much for the fresh reinstall.

“Well a house just popped up across the road, maybe something is about to happen.”

Across the road

“Well this is kind of a dump, but at least I get a phone?”

You get something better.

“Really? It’s full of hot blokes for me?!”


This is Laura, eldest of generation two.

No you get your mum!

“Crab sticks! That’s no prize! Do I have to hug her too?”

“I’m not deaf yet Laura.”

“That’s more like it.”

So I summoned Opal on the simlogical teleporter and Laura moved her in no trouble. Flo and Mingo were on the list but they haven’t appeared. I’ve

decided not to try Chewy yet. This is the first time I’ve tried to summon and move in sims so I thought maybe you can’t do that with servos.

“So is Dad okay?”

“He’s alright, just missing his cheese.”


So as Opal seemed fine I moved her in and again it let me include Ming and Flo in the move, but neither appeared.

And guess how much money dear Opal brought in? One whole dollar. Why you generous old soul Opal. Urg.

“Here you go; I popped across the road to give you these.”


“Hey they may be 10 year old fish and eggplants from my back pocket, but they’re still fresh!”

Opal immediately went to get to know her new daughter in law and who do I see coming along but Mingo! Then I notice Flo is on the household list

too. So obviously I hadn’t given the servos long enough to appear.

Well at least I got most of the family back together. Even if they are on a bare block with only thirteen thousand and nobody appears to have the

deed to the club house.

To refresh people’s memories: The elder couple is made up of my first generation bad apple heir Opal and her simself husband Chewy. Both of them

on 8 commands per day. This is the only picture of them together as elders that I have. They elderfied just before I left to play Rolley’s bachelor

challenge. Before this they could mostly be found cuddling on the ground or doing something else sweet.

In a massive BC, fifteen simself ladies tried to win the heart of my second generation bad apple heir, Rolley. Holley swept all before her and married

Rolley at the end of nine days of perusing him with her knife. If you have no idea what I am talking about you had better go read it hadn’t you. ;)

The servos, Flo and Mingo are both sweet as well as annoying. My founder Bazza activated them, so they are essentially family clones of each other.

A match made in heaven for them, but with only 1 neat point each they don’t exactly keep a tidy house. For the most part I’ve had them powered

down but I’m glad they are here now as they will be able to at least get us some money back by running the restaurant and digging for treasure

rocks and bones.

“Please let Dad be alright. What will mum do without him?”

I really hope I can get Chewy back; Opal without Chewy will be a sad thing indeed.

Last but by no means least, is poor Peach. She is Opal’s middle child. Middle children do seem to get put upon don’t they? Peach has been the

family’s anchor. She did most of her brothers homework as a child and teen, helped run her brothers BC and has now come back to oversee the

running of the house. She is also the second generations bug nut and is still collecting her bugs.


“Never fear, fake Norm is here!”

“Yes and us fake flamingos.”


Those flamingos really are fake, as the Maxis one has been covered up by a piece of cc plant that I will have to find and remove. Those are walk

style changers....so if knowledge sims start doing a romance strut you will know why. O_o My game and it’s continual cc problems.

Amazing what thirteen thousand and some things in inventory will get you. Hope you guys are impressed...

Hello, new house? New stuff? Don’t rush the door now... They’re containing their joy.

“I’m impressed, okay?”

“Or not...”

How much house do you think you’re going to get for thirteen thousand?

You do get a nice wedding photo.

So this is what the house really looks like. How many did I fool? ;D

Plus you get a nice bed with a hot pointy eared man; what more could you want?

“A door that shuts so the whole neighbourhood doesn’t see?”

One try and one lullaby later I checked Holley’s LTW thinking it was getting 3 kids off to college, but no... Its marry off six kids! Sleep well Holley, I

may just kill you in the morning!

So next day I pulled my download folder and tried placing Chewy on an empty lot-Bingo!

Back on the home lot and in the bin it showed him wearing one of the outfits I removed in my great elder male cc cull of 2011, and even though it

was gone, I think because in his picture he was still wearing it, that that was what glitched things up. Poor Chewy is looking a little worse for wear,

but at least he’s here.

“Hey baby, what’s happening? I’m just going to devour your fishy self right off the plate.”

Enough with romancing the fish walk! Stupid statues.

“I need a Doctor? Why I feel fine”

Maybe I didn’t save his hair or something, but his eyes reverted back to brown on moving in here.

“You go Chewy! You are one hot old dude!”

Strange thing is, going to the mirror changes his eyes back to green. Hair sorted again, I decided to look into the club. Luckily Peach still owns it even

if there is no deed to be found. So Holley, you will be happy to know you won’t have to use that old dunny any longer, as Chewy brought all of his

sixty seven odd thousand with him and we don’t have to buy the club back with it.

Then I noticed something... and I don’t mean Rolley or his underwear choices-although that is very noticeable.

“Mind the elbow, will you Dad.”

An awesome cat! Her name is Alabama and look at her; she has one blue and one green eye! Peach go greet her!

“Why must I greet it? We’re not having a cat.”

An hour later... I know, I’m nuts, but how could I resist this cat, it could have such cute babies. Darn I am such a sucker for possibly interesting

genetics-and cats. So now we have five adults, 2 servos a cat and a baby on the way.

Cute cat is cute.

>Waves wand<

Now this is the actual finished house. Which on first view doesn’t look much different...

But it is, and seeing this is the last generation I did include all the mod cons.

Pride of place down the hall is one of the few surviving photo booth pictures. I’m even happier that those that do survive are of Bazza and Tina. I

never did get Bazza’s grave back and Tina’s is still on the home lot. I did think of moving it, but I thought it might glitch or perhaps make for one very

angry ghost, so it stays there. I must get everyone together and do a family snapshot for the picture challenge.

Luckily I still have Peach’s bug box.

She is actually pretty good at catching bugs now. She caught one as soon as she opened the lid.

Opal having 10 playful points has to go try out the new bath.

Aren’t you getting a bit old to do that?

“Never mate! Hoist the main sail! And watch out you shark biscuits!”

I gave Holley some more outback appropriate clothes. Of course every time I turn around these two are up to something.

They would both rather stalk each other then take care of their needs.

“But these are our needs!”

“Now if only Jo would put on ACR we would be set!”

Huh Never!

I think you should stop manhandling your nearly naked husband and get some sleep!

Let’s hope they don’t kill each other.

Peach comes to break them up with a bust a move. I tend to forget she also has 10 outgoing as she doesn’t always show them.

Then I wondered why Mingo’s thumbnail looked so orange...

Stone the flamin’ crows! So water from treasure digging counts as water, but splashing in said puddles does not.

I’ve never seen a servo so in the red. I took a print screen, but it’s taking shots of my desktop instead.

Yes good morning to you both as well.

Although maybe you should take it someplace else.

Of course these two are nearly as bad. When they are old and platinum with nothing to do it’s sweet.

When they are pregnant and need to go pee and eat not so much!

While Holley was in the bathroom I decided to get her to try out my new download.

“By the power of my mind, I can tell if I am pregnant or not.”

A pregnancy test. Hah I love the reaction. And no, there is no ‘peeing on a stick’ they just look at it.

“I do declare that I am pregnant!”


“Go Holley, go Holley, go Holley!”

The reaction to the news is decided by the personality or aspiration of the sim. Holley is an outgoing family sim so she does a little victory dance.

“Why isn’t it twins?!”

Which is all I can think the ending shrug means. It tells me Holley is expecting one baby and is 19 hours pregnant.

I’m thinking it must be the test as everyone comes into the bathroom to share the good news!

Holley really needs to eat by now, so could you please let her out?!

It seems to spark lots of thoughts and conversations about babies.

Also I decided to do the baby’s room up in blue because I think she will have a boy. Of course doing this may ensure a girl. ;)

Excuse the stupid building plumbbob thingame in some of these pictures. It’s stuck in the corner. Prize to those that count the correct amount.

“You should eat more Holley; it won’t help the baby if you eat like a mouse.”

“I’m trying to eat!”

Would you all move! Rolley is nearly standing on the plate and the servos decide now would be a good time to make out.

>snaffle snaffle<

“Of course, eat like that and you will soon be as large as an elephant!”

“Thanks mum” Grits teeth

As if Opal can talk, everyone but Chewy and Rolley are slobs.

Synchronized plate gobble. Just as well too, as it makes eating when pregnant way quicker.


“I can’t wait until my son is born; I’m going to teach him how to play footy.”

“That’s lovely dear, but we might have a girl.”

“Oh yeah and none of that American baseball stuff either, he will play rugby league like a real man.”

“Aeh? Hang on I am American you know.”

“Well sure honey, but you’re an honorary Aussie now, you have to learn how to burp Waltzing Matilda, and toss back four X.”

Holley: *How.Wonderful* <_<

“Rolley, I’m your sister and I have never burped Waltzing Matilda, plus you don’t drink when you are pregnant!”

“Okay we’ll forgo the burping and Four X, so long as you can wear a pair of thongs.”

Holley: *I’m sure I have 3 pairs in my draw...*

“Ignore my brother, he can be rather a drongo at times, and despite what he says you can buy juice down at the pub. He only wants what’s best for

the baby really, but sometimes I wonder how he graduated high school.”

*Who did I marry?!*

Rolley can be a real Aussie ocker at times. Talking about sport and putting down politics are his favourite topics.

Holley sat there with these what?! expressions throughout the whole conversation.

Holley’s hobby is music and dance.

*Strange contortions, this human slave must be in pain*

“Hey you wimpy cat, over here.”

“Are you talking to me bird?”

“You’re mine now!”

“Hey how did you get up there?”

Holley ran to throw up those pancakes, went for a shower and one pop later turned into...

Helga the milk maid! I’ve seen cornrows before, but never another cc style appear like that.

That was the only chuck up, so Holley is doing well so far.

Because that really didn’t suit I used another command to have Holley set her everyday wear to something with a pregnancy morph. The separates

she was wearing had a cut across the stomach.

Now we can all have another generation listening to painful violin playing as Holley only has one creativity point.

“Yes and I’ll unleash it if you show me looking like a Hungarian milk maid again!”

Holley has been a fairly easy sim pregnancy wise so long as Rolley is occupied elsewhere.

One way of keeping him busy is to lock him into the office to write his novel. Write slowly Rolley we have two more pregnancies to go!

Something else he needs to do is max his fitness hobby. But that doesn’t keep him occupied for nearly so long.

Next up I decided to make Peach Permaplat. I think she deserves it for all she does. So I had her wish for peace of mind on the second genie lamp.

“Tee hee! There he is with his peanut butter again.”

“Just who and what are you looking at Holley?”

“Oh no one! No one at all.”

“I know you! You’re one of those sheilas’ from that house. One guy with all those girls, think the neighbourhood is blind?’

“That guy is my husband and I’m pregnant and cranky, so get out before I set the flamingos on you!”

This is the first time Peach has shown interest in some one since becoming an adult- not that she’s had much chance.

Maybe I should get them a date.

Peach also ‘potty trained’ the cat. Might as well before the babies need training. No more stinky litter trays.

I had Mingo do up a car and sell it. That is a nice profit maker.

Opal continues to be inappropriate by telling her son dirty gynaecological jokes in her underwear in the bathroom.

“Here’s a good one for you, define gynaecologist...a spreader of old wives tails!”

“Err that’s... actually I don’t know, I think I need to go throw up a little now! Bye!”

The birth was still a ways off, but I decided to invite over a household of simselves for an informal party. Meaning it wasn’t a party.

Mingo was looking a bit low aspiration wise and had a want rolled to be friends with Jo13.

A couple needed an aspiration boost and three needed slimming back.

Of course they hadn’t even gone in when Song pilfered fake Norm.

Why do you bother looking around Song? Everyone is looking anyway!

“In case a team of highly trained ninjas drops in of course.”

“Why yes, Holley is getting as large as an elephant.”

Second pop and a glitched face.

This was rather cute, Ani-mei went over to talk to the baby.

And so commences the inappropriate conversations, heart farts and the reformation of the Rolley Stalkers club. I kind of forgot Jo13 lived at the BC

house. All those pink hearts got removed at the wedding.

“You know I’ll totally forget your affair if you want to come move in with me instead.”

“That’s a kind offer Jill.”

“Hey forget her, come over to my house.”

“No mine!”

“But I’m ah...kind of engaged now.”

Don’t you mean married!

“I think you need a hug Jill” *distract the competition*

“No thanks! I know what you’re up to Song!”

Inappropriate heart farts aside

There was of course plenty of dancing and kicky ball.

“Dad, I think I fixed your spleen!”

Which led to green stink trails and everybody leaving. Holley did need to get some sleep before the big event.

Which happened next morning.

I re-invited my simself over. This is the first of the last generation after all.

“Why do births always happen near walls! Do you know how hard it is to get good pictures?!”

“Don’t suppose you could all move two feet to the left?”

“Shut up Jo!”

*My wife is so hot giving birth*

“One more push Holley.”

“Move you big oaf I can’t buzz see!”

It was quite a spectator event.

And it’s a boy! He has the Wonglepong grey blue eyes and Holley’s brown hair.

Holley immediately handed the baby over to Chewy and went to eat.

His name which I expect no one to remember is Ozenkadnook. All the children have been named after unusual Australian town names. I was really

pushed to find another O name that was both interesting as well as shortenable to a good nick name.

All I know about Ozenkadnook is that it’s a place in the state of Victoria and it means ‘very fat kangaroo’ in Aboriginal.

Chewy being the good grand dad he is immediately goes to feed little Oz.

I was hoping to get further, but seeing I am already up to 120 slides I think I will have to end it here.

Aussie Glossary

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi,Oi,Oi!: Is a chant often done at Australian sporting events, but particularly at international ones such as the Olympic

Games. Sometimes one person will chant the line "Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!" and the crowd responds with "Oi! Oi! Oi!"

Bloke/s: Man/men

stone the flamin’ crows: Exclamation of negative surprise or shock

Shark biscuit: Someone new to surfing.

Waltzing Matilda: Australia’s unofficial anthem. Full explanation and song here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INdjRCNcZj0

four X: Queensland beer.

Thongs: slip on footwear. Thongs can also refer to underwear, but it depends on the context and most times it’s referencing footwear.

Drongo: Silly person.

Sheila: Woman.
