Anita sampson's symposium powerpoint




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And a proud military child!I am proud to be an American!

As my parent is not always with me.My Life is Often Hectic

I know that deployments are always a possibility.

As my parent proudly serves our country

I never quite know how to say goodbye.

Although I know they must leave me,

Like my first steps that I am so very proud of.

My parent will always miss a special moment in my life,

He tells me how proud he is of me.

As I hang on tightly for dear life,

Because it was something that we have always shared.

We give each other one last “high five,”

As I try to find things to help me pass the time.

I miss my parent each and every day

And I try not to let them show.The feelings inside me are


And I pray each and every day,

Because I know my parent is fighting for our country,

So we can be a happy family again.

That my parent will come home safely to us

Are going to be very long and dreary,

The next six months to a year of my life

But I know that military duty calls.

For I do not know exactly when my parent will return

And I often wonder

I don’t quite understand the feelings inside me

Whose parent has to leave for an unknown amount of time.

If there are programs to help us children

And do not know how to deal with all the emotions and questions I

have inside me.

Because I feel so lost right now

To keep me safe and sound and kiss me each night before I go to


I miss having my parent nearby

But who is protecting me?I know that our country is being


Because I miss you more than words can say.

Please come home safe to me

If something happened to youI don’t know what I would do

So many others that have given the ultimate sacrifice.

And you had to join

So I offer this special poem entitled “I Am A Military

Child,” borrowed from Bright Creations in Athens,TN,

and it goes like this:

My life is not the same as other children whose parents

are not in the military.

Experienced so much, And seen so many faces.

But that’s okay, I am a military child.

By the time I will be eighteenI will have lived in many


I will feel older than my yearsAlthough I may be younger.

But that’s okay, I am a military child

I will grow up much quicker,I will grow up much stronger,

They will miss my birthdays,And be absent to calm my


But that’s okay, I am a military child

My mom or dad, I may not see for a year

I cherish every moment we have together,

their love, their laughter, their touch

I am proud of my parent,The one who has sacrificed so


It is because I feel so lucky

To be a military child.

Do you see why I feel special?Why I walk around with a smile?