7 Steps to SEO Success on Wordpress



Basics presented to the National Speakers Association New Orleans Chapter for non-technical tricks to perform keyword research, make the post of SEO plugins and a few suggestions to optimize your off-site factors

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7 Steps to Online Search Success

Adele TiblierAdele TiblierDirector of Interactive Strategy



Spiders visit and read/crawl your site for words (keywords)

These words are saved (cached) so when someone visits their site (uses a search engine), the matchmaking to provide the most relevant result based on the search begins.

The more information you have that is relevant to what someone is searching for, the more likely you will be to show up atop the engines.

Is that all there is? No. But it’s a start.

Finding the right words - Google Suggest

Finding out more ABOUT the right words - Google Keyword Tool

Learning to Love and Learn From Your Data

Key Performance


So…. You’ve Signed Up For Social Sites You’re Listed on Top Industry Sites

You’re Bio is on Major Conference Sites

But are all of these optimized with all this new found knowledge?

Use YOUR keywords to create a boiler plate description:

• On all of your social profile sites• As part of your standard bio• To create/enhance an existing association membership listing• To one-up your competition by seeking the sites that they are listed on and securing your own listing

Start Using the Keywords EVERYWHERE!

Create a Keyword Rich Boiler Plate Description of who you are and what you do -- put it everywhere:

• As the description on all of your social profiles• As part of your standard speakers bio• To create/enhance an existing association membership listings• To find new places (like the sites your direct competitor is on) to create an ‘enhanced’ listing

Use Keywords in Talking Points:

• As part of your presentation• Publicity and media opportunities• As part of your elevator pitch

You never know when someone will be sharing what you are saying online.

Which Will Get Found and Get the Call?

Which Will Get Found and Get the Call?

Leveraging all this info can get tricky, but try not to get overwhelmed.

Look for the trends and use the terms accordingly to create relevant content around the terms that are valuable to you and that people are searching for.

Use Google Insights to find Trending SearchesGoogle insights - http://www.google.com/insights/search/

Leveraging all this info can get tricky, but try not to get overwhelmed.

Look for the trends and use the terms accordingly to create relevant content around the terms that are valuable to you and that people are searching for.

Use Google Insights to find Trending SearchesGoogle insights - http://www.google.com/insights/search/

Leveraging all this info can get tricky, but try not to get overwhelmed.

Look for the trends and use the terms accordingly to create relevant content around the terms that are valuable to you and that people are searching for.

Use Google Insights to find Trending SearchesGoogle insights - http://www.google.com/insights/search/

Don’t forget to your own DataGo back to your own Analytics data as a source for inspiration and trends.

- Look collectively at the words that are driving people to your site - Are they variations of the same term? - Are they spending a good bit of time on your site? - Compare your data to your keyword research; see any opportunities?

Pooling all of this information to determine what people are looking for, what the current trending topics are, and how much information you have on your site will result in more than just food for thought.

Crank Out Some Keyword Rich Content!


Allows you to connect your blog to be fed through Google’s feeds (RSS, XML, Atom)

In laymen's terms ->When you write something new, it gets pushed directly to Google; content can also be pushed directly to those who have signed up to keep an eye on what you have written. Here is an easy step-by-step guide to setup Feedburner for Wordpress


Another resources to push your content as it is created. Login into your blog, go to Settings → Writing then scroll to the bottom and add http://rpc.pingomatic.com/ to the “Update Services” box. Don’t forget to save.

Settings > Permalinks

Results in URL’s that are optimized using the keywords you have used in the title of your post or page

Plugins > All in One SEO Plugin – Home Title

Plugins > All in One SEO Plugin – Every Other Page

Title that only shows on the page and in the site’s navigation menu.

Title seen by the search engines and shown atop the browser.

Add Style For Search and Site Visitors

Image File Names and Tags Mean Something

Google Keyword Tool Google InsightsGoogle AnalyticsFeedburnerPingomaticAll in One SEO Plugin

The Noob Guide to Online MarketingA thorough and entertaining resource on all of the elements that go into SEO and online marketing, how they work together, as well as a timeline on when to implement which piece. Very glad someone else put it together…and so well.

7. Just Keep Writing, Refining, Reviewing and Researching

Adele TiblierAdele TiblierDirector of Interactive Strategy

