大法介紹 Falun Dafa introduction


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Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, is a meditation practice that cultivates both mind and body. It teaches people to become a better person by following three main principles: “Truthfulness,

Compassion, and Forbearance”. There are also five simple and easy exercises for one to practice. Practicing Falun Dafa can get great relaxation for busy students. !!Every Tuesday and Thursday from 6:10 p.m.~ 7:10 p.m. , students in NCCU Falun Dafa club do the exercises together. Later, we study a book called “Zhuan Falun” to cultivate our mind. !

It’s all for free, welcome to join us! !


簡介 修煉法輪功者,以「真、善、忍」為標準要求自己,在任何環境下都做個好人。在修煉的過程中。提高道德標準,慈悲心常在,以達到返本歸真的高層境界。   除此之外,修煉者通過修煉可強身健體,生慧增力,迅速達到身心健康之目的。法輪大法有五套功法,簡單易學,且可依個人作息時間自由練習。適合課業繁重的學生們練習。  參與本社團者,不繳納任何費用,一切活動自由公開。  歡迎大家來了解哦:)煉功時間:每週二、四 17:50~19:10在 司令台學法時間:每週四晚上 19:30~21:30 在綜合院館314!
