How to make sales when you don't like selling for slideshare

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New SeminarThis exciting new learning event will give you the

qualities, knowledge and skills needed to find new customers and win more sales

It’s designed for business owners, managers, sales and customer service people, particularly if you’re not

comfortable about selling.

What you will learn

The difference between old and new style selling

The vital ingredient in sales

The psychology of sales

How to sell yourself

How to get an appointment

The 4 steps of the sale

How to deal with resistance and motivate people to buy


You will develop the skills and abilities to:

Obtain more appointments and handle initial resistance


Develop a simple structure for opening the sale, identify customer needs, present the benefits, gain commitment to buy, or move to the next step

Develop more confidence to sell, and generate more sales for your business


1. A new type of salesperson

The difference between old style selling, and new style selling

2. Attitude

Developing an attitude for success

3. Selling yourself


4. The initial approach

How to deal with the gatekeeper, handle initial resistance, and get the appointment

5. Planning each contact

Being prepared for each customer meeting


6. A simple structure that will enable you to control the sales visit

1. The opening2. Questioning3. The presentation4. Closing

7. Dealing with resistance

Different reasons for resistance and how you can handle them.


This program can be run to suit the needs of your business. It is primarily designed to be delivered in workshop fashion.

However, it can be delivered effectively as a half-day seminar, or one-hour keynote speech.

The workshop is highly interactive. It includes team exercises, group discussion and skill practise/role playing.

You are encouraged to raise real life situations and discuss the challenges you face

Your learning event leader

Alan Fairweather, The Motivation Doctor, is an International Speaker, Business Development Consultant and Successful Author.

Your learning event leader

He formed his speaking, consulting and learning business in 1993 and for the past twenty-two years has been running seminars and workshops in the UK, US, Europe, Middle East and South East Asia

Alan’s books are available worldwide through Amazon and other retailers

For more details about this learning event contact
