How to Determine Your Very Best Opportunies

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How to Determine Your Ver

How to Determine Your Very Best Sales Opportunities

Have you ever wondered why the person or client you are speaking to is not

responding or reacting to your proposals or recommendations in a positive


Ever wonder why you cannot seem to get energy, excitement, enthusiasm or buy-in

around your ideas or recommendations? Well don't feel like you are the only

person that this happens to. It is normal in the process of qualifying a contact,

from casual communication into a viable ideal prospect for your product or services.

What if you could determine fairly early in a conversation or engagement

conversation, with a prospective client, if they were really your very best,

ideal buyer? What could that mean to your planning, projections, activity

levels and results?

How different could your business be? How much easier could it be

to manage the relationships with your very best opportunities?

Let me share with you a concept called The Best Buyer Concept:

There are always a smaller number of ideal buyers, rather than all buyers,

so ideal buyers are cheaper to market to, sometimes more difficult to find,

and yet bring greater rewards.

If you sell B2B, it's usually fairly clear that your best buyers are medium

to large companies. So what are you doing, every other week, no matter what,

to let these companies know who you are? There's no one you can't get to as

long as you constantly market to them, especially after they say they're not

interested in what you have to offer. People will not only begin to respect

your perseverance, they will actually begin to feel obligated to listen to you.

This is one of the Six Ethical persuasion principles of influence (consistency),

as researched and case study verified by Dr. Robert Cialdini in his book

Influence: Science and Practice (5th Edition)

Let me show you an approach, called the Client Response Modes, that will help

you to better sort through your business opportunities. Remember that people

buy when, and only when they perceive a discrepancy between reality and their

desired results. There exists a gap and then your opportunity is to uncover

it and address it through your products and services.

Here are some categories of distinctions to consider when discussing your

products and/or services and your value proposition.

Is the business/owner in Growth mode, Trouble mode, Even Keel or Overconfident.

This is framework to us better understand the readiness of a potential client

to take action NOW.

In the first response mode the prospective client communicates that they are

interested in GROWTH. This is in response to the question that asks about their

current satisfaction and growth trajectory for their business in whatever

manner they choose to measure GROWTH. A buyer in Growth mode is always ready

to say yes to somebody's proposal ... though not necessarily yours. Your

challenge is to get the prospective client (your ideal buyer) to reach

a level of comfort with you, your company, and your solutions as quickly as possible,

but not in a hurried manner.

The second response mode is person, business, organization or department is in

TROUBLE. The probability of action being taken is high when a buying

influence or a decision maker is in TROUBLE.

They are comfortable to acknowledge that they have a performance gap, and seeking

assistance and support NOW! He/she is eager to buy ... but once again not necessarily

from you. TROUBLE always takes precedence over GROWTH. This doesn't mean that

growth is unimportant, only that a buyer who is feeling pain, doing more and or

better can wait until you've fixed the cause of the pain. Selling GROWTH to a

buyer who feels in TROUBLE is like selling a new roof to a farmer whose barn has

just caught fire. Even if the barn needs a roof, it doesn't need one now.

So urgency and timing take precedence.

The third response mode is EVENKEEL. To someone or an organization in EVENKEEL,

your proposals or recommends can be seen as a threat; as potentially rocking the

boat. The EVENKEEL environment will change only when there is change of view,

to the fact that GROWTH or TROUBLE are recognized as forthcoming. The other

consideration for looking at change is that as their trusted advisor you have

illustrated the gaps between where they are and where they wish to go.

The fourth response mode is OVERCONFIDENT. This is the most difficult

response mode to sell to. The OVERCONFIDENT see's no reason for change, since

they are pretty delighted and sometimes surprised by their own or organizational

results. You will encounter strong resistance and denial, because their view of

their circumstances is not congruent nor consistent with yours. You may not be

able to overcome this viewpoint unless there are organizational changes or

challenges in the workplace or economy that affect the business.

The prospective client must experience these four thought processes/emotions

before they are comfortable moving forward.

1. Denial : of the current business conditions.

2. Resistance:of the analysis of the current state of the business.

3. Exploration: a willingness to explore other options to address the

business issues.

4. Acceptance: adoption of proposed solutions and finding a new


How To Connect With Me78www.buildtogrowbook.comwww.coachmiguel.comMiguel A. de JessOffice : 760.438.9907

Cell :858.449.5232


