10 Insights For Sales Pros to Achieve Peak Performance —Susan Ershler

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For insights and further learning from Susan: http://33voic.es/inf7i7a Susan Ershler is an international speaker, business executive, and along with her husband, became the first couple to climb the Seven Summits. During her 23-year corporate career, she has held a series of increasingly responsible executive positions in the sales divisions of Fortune 500 companies including Verizon, Qwest, United Technologies, and FedEx. She's led hugely successful sales teams and along the way, she earned 11 annual President's Club awards - for leading teams to top performance. During that era of corporate achievement, she and her husband Phil were climbing the Seven Summits. That remarkable journey culminated at the top of Mount Everest on May 16, 2002 and their book chronicling this experience, Together on Top of the World, was published in 2007.

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This presentation consists of highlights from the interview with Moe Abdou,

founder & host of 33voices®.

Susan Ershler is an international speaker, business executive, and along with her husband, became the first couple to climb the Seven Summits. During her 23-year corporate career, she has held a series of increasingly responsible executive posi-

tions in the sales divisions of Fortune 500 companies including Verizon, Qwest, United Technologies, and FedEx. She’s led hugely successful sales teams and

along the way, she earned 11 annual President’s Club awards - for leading teams to top performance. During that era of corporate achievement, she and her husband

Phil were climbing the Seven Summits.

Susan Ershler@susanershler

Mountain Climber & Keynote Speaker

Achievement is a skill; it starts with the mental fortitude and belief that you can

indeed achieve great things.

Insight #1

Insight #2

Want to multiply your sales results? Remember the acronym, CLIMB:

Insight #2

Want to multiply your sales results? Remember the acronym, CLIMB:

Concise - your goals must be specific, quantifiable and actionable

Insight #2

Want to multiply your sales results? Remember the acronym, CLIMB:

Levelheaded - your vision and goals must be in alignment with your skill set

Insight #2

Want to multiply your sales results? Remember the acronym, CLIMB:

Integrated - your goals must be related, relevant and aligned with your vision

Insight #2

Want to multiply your sales results? Remember the acronym, CLIMB:

Measurable - you must hold yourself accountable

Insight #2

Want to multiply your sales results? Remember the acronym, CLIMB:

Big - be bold and ambitious

Insight #3

“Be vigilant — your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own unguarded thoughts.”

- Buddha

Insight #4

It’s the admired sales persons who listen more than she talks, asks more than she

answers, and ultimately guides more than she pushes.

Insight #5

Meeting someone for the first time? Try asking Jim Collins’ question, “where are you from?” instead of the proverbial,

“what do you do?”

Insight #6

In any selling situation, keep in mind that you’ll capture the most value when the value you create is both personal and purposeful.

Insight #7

The best listeners are immensely present;they listen with the intent to understand.

Insight #8

Try this before your next important sales call: Instead of a power pose, ask yourself the

question, “can I help these people?”

Insight #9

To enhance the clarity of your message, remember Robert Cialdini’s ‘contrast principle’:

We understand something better when we see it in comparison with something else

than when we see it in isolation.

Insight #10

An extraordinary salesperson follows these 3 essential rules of improvisational theater:

» Hear offers» Say ‘Yes and...?’

» Make your partner look good

- Dan Pink

What’s the one question that you never neglect asking

in a selling situation?

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