Sourcing hacks: how to find the best talent worldwide? - Talentwunder


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Andreas Dittes, CEO

Sourcing hacks: How to find the best talent worldwide

War for Talent"I want you"

Who Am I?

Some of the companies I worked with

• Studied Information Technologies

• Dropped out to start my first business

• Sold a startup, failed one

• Lecturer @ Karlshochschule Int. University

• Co-founder & CEO @ Talentwunder

• Mentor @ Avatech, Start Next, KIT UpCat, Startup Weekend, Boostcamp, etc

Studies ShowRecruiting Skilled Workers = Huge Problem

“There are 41.000 unfilled positions for IT experts in Germany right now” Dieter Kempf, Präsident, BITKOM

“More than 2.5 million SMB have a problem finding skilled workers” EY Mittelstandsbarometer 2014

"Europe faces an ICT skill gap of nearly one million workers" Nellie Kroes, VP, European Commission

Social Networking Trend Big And Growing

• Business networks • LinkedIn • XING • Viadeo • Twitter

• Special interest networks • Stackoverflow • Github • ResearchGate

• Private networks • Facebook • VK • Instagram • Twitter

NetworksWhat should I use?

Our Solution "Google for Recruiting"

search engine

Our Solution "Google for Recruiting"

search engine

1+ bn profiles

Our Solution "Google for Recruiting"

search engine

1+ bn profiles

big data analysis

StatusOpen for business


StatusOpen for business

800+ Project Flying Elephant

StatusOpen for business

800+ Project Flying Elephant

Cloud Partner

Awards We Won Some Awards

TOP30 Startup in Europe Best pitch Best idea/pitch

#1 Best in Cloud PaaS & Best Business Idea #1 HR Safari HR Innovationspreis IT

Personality InsightsIBM Watson

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