Top 3 Fall Staging Tips For Your Pleasanton Home for Sale


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Top 3 Fall Staging Tips For Your Pleasanton Home for


Planning to sell your Pleasanton home this autumn and wondering how you can use the season to your advantage? Look no further, because here are 3 fall staging tips for your Pleasanton home for sale. Take advantage of the autumn weather and aesthetic, and impress potential buyers with your seasonally-appropriate decor. You’ll be closing that deal for your Pleasanton property in no time!

Brighten Up the PlaceAutumn months take place during the solstice period, which means shorter days and periods of natural sunlight. We all know how important great lighting is for properly staging your Pleasanton CA home for sale, so make sure to take advantage of both natural and artificial light to give the property a cozy, lived-in feel.

Brighten Up the PlacePull back the curtains and let the sunlight in during the day, and make sure that your indoor light is sufficient for the entire house when it starts getting dark. Get a new lamp or two, strategically placed on a stylish desk or side table that will highlight some of the property’s best features, like the bedroom or living area. You’ll be surprised how much the added lighting will inspire potential buyers to strike up a deal.

Curb AppealWith the turn of the season comes the change in your surroundings--the leaves turning red and gold, then falling down on the streets to pile up in mountains of dead foliage. The summer flowers have finished their bloom, and now you’re faced with the challenge of making your front lawn look vibrant and homey for impressionable buyers.

Curb AppealSpruce up the lawn of your Pleasanton real estate for sale with fall florals like mums, perennial sunflowers, and goldenrods. Don’t worry if they’re potted--the important thing is adding a splash of color to your barren yard. Make sure to rake up those leaves before your buyers see the autumn deluge, and set up a pumpkin or two to inspire seasonal cheer from anyone deciding to give your property a casual look-see.

Cozy and Comfortable is the KeyIt’s no secret that a lot of people love autumn. The chilly weather is just the right amount of cold that you can wear stylish fall fashion outdoors, eat anything and everything pumpkin-based, and of course, spend an inordinate amount of time getting warm and toasty in the comfort of your own home.

Cozy and Comfortable is the KeyThat last perk is what ultimately gets the buyer’s attention. Take advantage of the fall weather and your fireplace--strike up a crackling fire that will draw potential buyers to your comfortable living room, decorated with seasonally-appropriate items like warm throws on the plush seating and a pumpkin-scented candle on the mantlepiece. Set up a thick rug or a nice reading chair in front of the hearth to inspire your buyer's’ imagination, and maybe even change the bedding to something thick, warm, and vibrant.

You may think that autumn is not the best time to market your property, but the season offers so possibilities for sellers to take advantage of, like lesser competition, a more determined buyer pool, and of course, aesthetic factors that allows you to get creative in staging your Pleasanton CA house for sale. Get that deal you’ve been waiting for and stage your property to something seasonally appropriate-- and if you’re looking for more information on Pleasanton CA real estate for sale and how to better market your property for the next few months, check out

Selling your home shouldn’t be a daunting challenge with my help. Call me, Doug Buenz, at 925 621 0680 to know more about how to enter your property in today’s real estate market. As a certified REALTOR , my experience and knowledge Ⓡin the industry will get you to your desired closing deal in no time.
