Kimon Onuma TEDx Presentation Summary by BIM Education Co-op



Kimon Onuma spoke at the prestigious TEDx on cities. This is a short summary with links.

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Kimon Onuma : TEDx Presentation Summary

Prepared by the BIM Education Co-op

TED = Technology Entertainment Design

TEDx Americas Finest City was Nationwide

Kimon Onuma is an architect . . .

. . . and a software architect

Kimon started with the technology of fire

Fire got us communicating and led to civilization

Stone carving is a highly civilized technology

Egyptians used it to communicate many ideas

Fast forward to today

We have an explosion of communication

Layers and layers of information now exist

How do we make decisions about all of this?

The architectural art of problem solving can help

Architects capture ideas on paper and in other ways

Fire, stone and paper are technologies

We now must communicate ideas on the web

Social media creates a data revolution

And supports truly revolutionary actions

BIMStorms support data revolutions

Web brainstorms using Building Information Models

At one time there were 30 BIMStorms in 4 years

Now there are more -

BIMStorm EcoDistrict - Washington, D.C.

A case study using proven web processes

It was a National Capital Planning Agency project

The real project looked at data in many ways

BIMStorm Oklahoma City - Case Study

City planner endorses the process in public

California Community Colleges - Case Study

2.4 million students at 112 campuses

Dots can represent entire campuses

Much information can be “in” the dots

Campus dots include 5,200 buildings

Datum is live and contribute to real time inventories

This is BIG Data at work

CCC is the largest higher education institute

This is BIG Data Operations

Better asset management won funding increases

When the data is available in many ways

You improve consensus decision making

Simple, clear presentations of BIG Data

Information Age Asset Management in action today

Data is cross referenced in real time on the web “style” information access

Mira Costa College - Case Study

Focusing on one campus aids comprehension

Mira Costa College Data Visualized - Live

There are many ways to see the data in real time

State location Site location Building location Room location

Mira Costa Data in Many Open Formats

“Mash up” the data with Google Earth and others

The approved data available on mobile devices

Data access dramatically improves processes

Knowledge Sustainability is the best sustainability

Data remains accessible with open standards

Connect - Share - Collaborate

Practice gaining Information Age benefits

Kimon Onuma Fellow American Institute of Architects

Proven case studies available for replication