How to Handle Sharing a Room with More Roommates


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How to handle sharing a room with more roommates


People pick shared apartments just because…they save a fortune. I know that renting out a condo costs a dear.

More dishes, kitchen hacks, caddies…what if the apartment is shared by more than four roommates?

Understanding and splitting chores

Say that it’s my turn to clean the bathroom. But,

I know that I’m going to get late at aerobics class. Can I keep mum about it hoping that someone

else would do it for me?

What else roommate apps are for? “Hi Jill, I’ll be late. I’ll get back and do the cleaning!” That would do.

I’m up for compromise? Ground rules talk!

I’m going to fall like Icarus did, if my pride needs

the entire cabinet in refrigerator.

It’s not just three of them, but there are more

than 4 roommates sharing the flat. There it goes, COMPROMISE! I know that I don’t

want to pay a chunky rent.

So, I’m okay sharing! I would never risk it by straying away from ground rules.

A note –lover? Nah!!! There’s nothing as worse as walking the hall of shame!                                            

                                                                                    Rather than leaving notes on empty toilet paper rolls, it’s good to replace them.

Either it’s you or them, it’s terrible both ways. Sticking to the ground rule - the last one who uses is the one, who replaces it.

Stealing your valuables? Confront him!

Why do we share? It’s just to show the other person that we care for them. Living with your roomies in peace depends on a bit of consideration. I knew that my food is flicked by one of the roomies. But, I don’t have to be rude about it. I know how it feels to get home bloody

hungry, only to find some bones of fish steaks!Shared rooms near UCC for students

A night owl?  What’s their schedule? Not in the middle of nightmares. It happens by the time of roommate interviews. However wild we’re , we’re social animals after all. I love reading till 1 am on a Friday. Still, I cannot interrupt my roommates sleep. Running a blender by 4 am in the morning is not a wonderful idea. It’s too good an idea to drive a narcissistic roommate away!
