Are You Moving? Protect Your Stuff Like a Pro



With all the time, energy, and money you invest in to moving, the last thing you want is to arrive at your new home and discover your precious belongings were damaged in the move. Discover these useful tips, and save yourself a headache later.

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To prevent damage or scratching other items, secure electrical cords to their objects with tape or plastic

cling wrap.

Appliances and media components are safest when transported in their original

packaging. Bonus Tip: Don’t have the packaging? Contact an electronics store and

ask if they have discarded boxes available.

Protect mattresses by covering them with old sheets or a mattress cover,

and keep them flat during your move.

Secure blankets or towels over

the tops and around edges and corners of

any delicate furniture

surfaces to prevent damage.

Place anything

that could leak in a

resealable plastic bag

(remove air from

bag before sealing) prior to

boxing it up.

Wrap larger framed pictures and artwork in towels and place in a pillowcase.

Transport these items upright (do not lay flat).

Plates, small frames,

DVDs, and other flat items are

safest when packed

standing on their side.

Bonus Tip: Individually wrap

breakable items prior to boxing.

Bowls and glasses are safest when individually wrapped and packed

upside down on their rims.

Cushion the top and bottom of a box containing fragile items with a few layers of crumpled up newspaper,

bags, or shredded paper.

When filling each

box, prioritize

by weight, putting

the heaviest items at

the bottom and the lightest items on

