2017 The Woodlands Real Estate Market Forecast - by Ken Brand


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2017 Real Estate Forecast The Woodlands

Better Homes And Gardens Real Estate Gary Greene - The Woodlands

Our future is SUNNY. Why?

Consumer Confidence on the high-rise.

Not falling oil prices.

Mortgages rates and home prices on the rise.

Disguised as renters, homebuyers reveal themselves.

Pent-Up demand.

Consumer Confidence On The High-Rise.

When consumers feel better about their financial future, they make decisions to move forward.

Mass positive sentiment will foster forward-moving decisions, and homes sales upward in 2017.

Better Homes And Gardens Real Estate Gary Greene - The Woodlands

Not Falling Oil Prices.

In Houston and The Woodlands, we live and die by an oily sword.

This past January, oil prices hit a spectacular low of $27 per barrel. Dire predictions had prices failing into the low teens. Depressing uncertainty drove a dagger through the heart of home buyer activity, dreams and decision.

This January brings renewed optimism, hope and enthusiasm.

The worst is past. The present is safer. The future is promising.

When people feel safe and positive about their futures, they un-delay satisfying their pent-up needs and desires. They make moving-forward home buying decisions.

Sales will grow upward in 2017.

Better Homes And Gardens Real Estate Gary Greene - The Woodlands

Mortgage Rates, Payments and Prices Will Press Up.

Do people want to pay more? Or less?

Mortgage rates are walking up. The longer a buyer waits, the higher interest rates rise. Same house. Same Price. Higher monthly mortgage payment.

As buyer activity bumps upward, home prices press up too.

Rather than wait and pay more, smart would-be buyers will choose to buy sooner. And save.

It’s simple math, smarts and human behavior. Save-money-urgency will pull buyers into the market and 2017 sales upward.

Better Homes And Gardens Real Estate Gary Greene - The Woodlands

Disguised As Renters, Homebuyers Reveal Themselves.

Back in 2012, immediately following the recession, and during the Exxon/Mobil migration, pent-up demand and hyper-growth boiled The Woodlands real estate market, and home prices, into a red-frustration of multiple offers, higher prices, stress and skimpy selection.

As a result, hundreds of under-normal-conditions-buyers choose to avoid the frenzy and faded into the background as I’ll-wait-and-see-renters.

Buying conditions have improved dramatically.

Inventory/Selection in all price ranges is good, and excellent above $500,000.

Also, this year’s slower sales vaporized buyer competition, amping seller motivation and a willingness to negotiate.

Their patience has paid off. Their leases are expiring. Conditions are ripe.

Homebuyers who acted as renters will move to take advantage of excellent selection, solid seller motivation, upbeat consumer confidence, lower mortgage rates and monthly payments. Sales will throttle upward in 2017.

Better Homes And Gardens Real Estate Gary Greene - The Woodlands

Pent Up Demand.

It always happens!

A swell of pent-up-demand-action flooded the market immediately following this past hateful recession.

We’ll see it again in 2017.

People have been postponing their dreams, needs, and buying decisions for two years.

This 2017 green-light snap back won’t be as frenzied. Never mind that.

This reliable pent-up-demand phenomenon will fuel an upward push of listing and sales activity into the spring and summer months. Will it be as muscular as 2012/2013? No. But it will be a positive force.

Better Homes And Gardens Real Estate Gary Greene - The Woodlands

In Conclusion.

Bye Bye Stormy Skies. Our future is sunny.

2017 real estate activity will outshine the dull reality of 2016. If you’re thinking of selling or buying, now is a safe

and smart time to take action.

If I can be helpful, please contact me. Thanks.

Better Homes And Gardens Real Estate Gary Greene - The Woodlands

Consumer Confidence on the high-rise.Not falling oil prices.Mortgages rates and home prices on the rise.Disguised as renters, homebuyers reveal themselves.Pent-Up demand.

Ken Brand832-797-1779Ken@KenBrand.com
