Stay Clean - Minimalism might lead you to success


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DAMON NOFAR // @damonify

Stay clean Minimalism might lead you to success.



Have you ever been to a presentation where the presenter has managed to type in his whole speech on every slide so that he can read directly off them, and you just want to stand up and scream because you find it offensive that he does not respect you since he could not even put an effort in creating slightly more visual slides than just quoting a bunch of text with the smallest size that is barely readable in order to include more and more and more and more… Do you get the point?

4 ways minimalism can help you

1. Get the attention!

Minimalism makes it easy to catch the audience’s attention. Since most of the presentation slides today suck, it does not require much to actually stand out and make the audience visually excited. By minimizing the amount of text in your slides, you allow your audience to focus on the most important thing – which is you. We already know that people can’t read and listen at the same time, which is why you have to make sure that the attention is on you instead of the slide behind you. Get the audience’s attention and half your work is done.

2. You just have some seconds…

When you click up your slide, the audience has some seconds to get your message before you actually start to speak. Because once you start to speak, you want your audience to look and listen to you, and not try to figure out what the slide is saying. By using a minimal design you make it easy for the audience to grasp your message. Here is a rule of thumb; make sure that the audience comprehends what your slide is about during the few seconds of pause before you actually open your mouth. If you manage to do this, you can be sure that your message will come across.

3. Don’t insult your audience

It’s probably safe to say that bad presentation slides are visually abusing. If people take their time to listen to a presenter, the least he/she can do is to take some time to produce some quality work. When a presenter fills their slide with every single word that comes out of their mouth, they are basically saying “I don’t care what you think and you will probably not listen to me anyway, so let’s read the slides together instead”. You don’t need to write down everything you are going to say on your slides, because we know how to read. We just want some nice visuals that turns our focus to you and what you are saying.

4. A clean slide keeps the focus

View your slide as a space where information is competing for attention. The more information you insert, the harder it will be to grab the attention of the audience. Thus, keeping your slide as clean as possible will not only make it more visually engaging but also easier for people to actually understand your message. In other words, the less mess you have on your slide, the more powerful will your message be.

What if I actually need all the bullets on my slides?

Break it up in multiple slides

Assuming that you have numerous bullet points that need to be addressed in your presentation, it could be a clever idea to break them up in separate slides. In this way your slides will become much more clean, and visually stimulating. A lot of times, we don’t even need all the bullets that we initially inserted. Most of them are unnecessary and others can actually be turned into visuals.



Turn your bullet points into visuals

• Bullets • Bullets • Bullets The most common (ab)use of PowerPoint. Bullet points don’t actually need to be as boring as the original templates. If you have some creative balls to play around a little, you will soon see that there are beautiful ways of presenting various bullet lists. Here are some examples on the coming slides.

BULLETPOINTS can be creative

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Hope you got some inspiration for your next presentation!




Icons used in this presentation Middle Finger by Piotrek Chuchla from The Noun Project

Broom by Alberto Guerra Quintanilla from The Noun Project



Stay clean Minimalism might lead you to success.

DAMON NOFAR // @damonify



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