Future of blogging blogst 2014



The past, the now and the future of blogging or personal storytelling. Six trends you should watch like new communities, techniques, visual storytelling, new platforms and the internet of things. This presentation I gave at blogger conference #blogst14 in Hamburg

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kirsten jassies @kirst_enj justK.nl

the future of blogging #blogst14 Hamburg

bloggers, bloggers, bloggers

❖ Mother of 2!

❖ Life 1.0 ? What? (…blogging since 1998)!

❖ Blog justK.nl!

❖ Blogcoach!

❖ Bloghunter!

❖ Current Instagram addiction

WHAT are you saying?

•Wasn’t blogging declared dead?!•Blogging is just a hype, right?!•Facebook is SO over!•Bloggers are empty shells without a story or a proper education. They are neither fashion journalists nor stylists!!

history of blogging❖ 1993 - first weblog: ‚Justin’s

links from the underground’ !❖ Evan Williams and Meg

Hourihan launched blogger.com in August 1999 (purchased by Google in February 2003)!

❖ Since 2002, blogs have gained increasing notice and coverage for their role in breaking, shaping, and spinning news stories.

quotes from 2007

"Thanks to blogs, zero technical know-how is required of today's web publishers. All they

need is an idea. People can blog without needing a computer connection or more than a

sentence they want to say."

- Justin Hall, founding father of the personal blogger -

quotes from 2007"Bloggers are the pit bulls of journalism. They

have a persistent nature to reviving stories that would otherwise fade from newspapers' front pages. Blogging at its best is deeply personal,

and once readers get used to that kind of connection to a writer, it's hard for them to

accept anything less." !- Arianna Huffington, The Huffington Post - 

quotes from 2007

"Blogs continue to have a bigger and bigger hand in creating and influencing culture, it still surprises me when I see internet memes spread by blogs appear

on serious TV news shows.” !- Gina Trapani, founder of Lifehacking -

2014: where do we stand now?

famous for …. uhm …

bloggers are rockstars

YOU are making a difference YOU are changing the world

…by blogging

>400 million blogs worldwide

❖ 205 million Tumblr blogs (okt 14)!

❖ 76 million Wordpress blogs (feb 14)!

❖ > 100 million Blogger blogs (estimated, no statistics)

❖ sources http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blog and https://www.tumblr.com/about

blog categories

kids blogs - design blogs - food blogs - travel blogs - gadget blogs - tech blogs - finance blogs - mom blogs -

gardening blogs - beauty blogs - sex blogs - fashion blogs - eco blogs - slow blogs - dating blogs - parenting blogs - video blogs (vlogs) - shoe blogs - camping blogs - sock

blogs - chicken blogs AND SO ON

This is a Chicken Blog. For real.

bloggers platforms & social channels

Decide for yourself what fits you and your audience. Managing all will not work. Everything grows with attention and love.

a business out of blogging

• Blogging started for most as an honest way of reviewing products, now a lot of bloggers get paid doing this!

• Bloggers make money by selling products through webshops or affiliate deals!

• Bloggers ‚sell’ their expertise through services like styling, modelling, photography, coaching, social media advice etc!

• Advertisers turn to bloggers for ambassadorship and advertorials

WARNING! A passion turns into a hobby, which becomes a full-time career. And if you don’t watch out, it consumes your life and sucks the joy out if it.

fulltime jobs & burnouts „You are not a machine. You are not a brand. You are not expected to produce daily content that teams of 9-5ers are

strategizing over for weeks, months, seasons. You can admit that you’re a little tired. Or that you need a breather. Or that you’re re-prioritizing. Or that you don’t know what’s next.

It doesn’t make you ungrateful for the platform you’ve been given, and it doesn’t make you unprofessional. It makes you

real. It makes you human. It makes you you.”

Erin Loechner - Design for Mankind - http://www.designformankind.com/2014/09/slow-steady/

2015 and further: the future of blogging

So … what IS the Future of blogging?

wrong question

So … what IS the Future of blogging?

The question should be:!

what is the future of personal storytelling online?

The Future of personal storytelling online

The digital world is still growing fast and the possibilities are endless.

Technique development is going faster and faster.

People will go on telling their personal

stories through offered social platforms, tools and channels.!

Now Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, but in 5 years this will be other channels.

Maybe it’s not 5 platforms but just one, using your ID number…

6 important trends in personal storytelling online

1. Algorithms

How will people find your story?

- Now you visit blogs directly, use Bloglovin or Facebook to see the newest content

But in 5 years …

- Content will find it’s way to you because your behavior will be part of the algorithm (Zite, scoop.it, Klout)

2. step beyond blogging: community!

•There is one extremely important element missing in blogs: The element of COMMUNITY!

•Where your AUDIENCE becomes connected not only to you, but to each other!

•That is why the reactions have moved from your blog to Facebook and Instagram.

Source: http://jasonverdelli.com/blogging-is-dead-and-why-you-should-care/

3. new techniques like markdown

Markdown allows you to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-

write plain text format, then convert it to structurally valid

XHTML (or HTML). Thus, 'Markdown' is two things:

(1) a plain-text formatting syntax; and (2) a software tool,

written in Perl, that converts the plain text formatting to HTML."

4. new blogging platforms (mobile & social first!)

5. visually documenting your life

6. The Internet of Things

But most of all what counts is:

Thank you. questions @kirst_enj


you can find this slideshare presentation on my blog justK.nl
