Advance PowerPoint for communicators


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Advance PowerPoint for Communicators


Audience Every day, leaders convey ideas, change minds, and persuade people to act. This workshop teaches principles of story and visual thinking that persuade audiences and initiate action. Advance PowerPoint for Communicators workshop is open to all who write content, and must express the information in a clear and visually

compelling presentation.

Description Persuasion is the currency of business communication - and those who master communicating through presentations rise faster than their peers, reach more customers than their competitors, and turn ideas into groundswells. Generally presentations are not inspiring. Think about recent presentations you have sat through by your colleague, your boss or your vendors. The presentation paradigm

must be changed in order for all the brilliant ideas to be heard. But how?

Two Day Advance PowerPoint workshop establishes a new method of content development and presentation design that dramatically improves persuasive

communication. Topics include:

Day 1 • The Power and Structure of Story • The Presentation Format – the shape of great communications • Audience perception on Presentation – and your role as the presenter

The Story Map – writing content that resonates with your audience

Day 2 • Visual clarity – define Signal and Noise • Visualize information – tools to turn words into pictures and data into stories • Storyboarding techniques - quick sketching to try out ideas • Arrange elements for clear communication • Visual unity – applying design thinking to presentations

Beginning with a Story Map on Day 1, attendees learn to understand the context of a Presentation, to work within a story framework, create audience empathy and emotional appeal, generate unique ideas, group and arrange messages for greater impact, and strengthen their structure with story attributes.

With Day 2, attendees convert their Story Map content into a storyboard, and practice quick sketching of ideas to visually display their message for a memorable presentation. Then the visual display is translated into visually appealing PowerPoint presentation. Throughout both days, attendees vet their ideas in peer groups, and receive real-time feedback to build meaningful content that compels people to take action. We

Pre-Requisites Each attendee brings a presentation that he or she must rewrite and redesign. Attendees would need their computers since 50% of the time will spent on techniques. The half of the time will be spent on crafting meaningful messages and sketching ideas, sharing with peers, and creating a presentation without the help of software.

Learning Objectives

• Examine the business case for story – why organizations should adopt storytelling

• Analyse the structure of story • Write the audience journey • Identify the Big Idea • Identify sources of audience resistance • Recall and catalog personal stories • Strengthen story turning points • Map content to the Presentation Form • Identify a slide’s signal vs. noise (signal:noise ratio) • Arrange slide elements for audience comprehension • Practice rapid brainstorms to generate ideas with peers • Build emotional appeal to connect your message to the audience • Build a storyboard • Understand PowerPoint Tools

Learning Aides This interactive workshop will be delivered through the use of aides, which attendees will get to keep for further use outside the workshop. These include but are not limited to:

• Story Maps • Story Journaling • Audience Evaluation cards • Diagram Classification • Story Boards

Investment R 6000 per person Email: for a quote and group booking discounts

About Presentation Chef

Presentation Chef is a Pretoria based business that aims to create great

presentations. We believe everyone can learn how to create a better

presentation, deliver a great speech and show amazing visual slides. We created

wide ranging products from Inspiring Slides to Powerful Business Presentation. A

good presentation slides will help you in delivering a good presentation. Before

opening PowerPoint software and creating your slide, you need to understand

what the role of a slide in a presentation is. This is why we invite you to this great
