Violation of ethics By Pakistani Media In Election 2013



This presentation is about the violation of ethics by Pakistani media during election 2013.

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Presented By

Bakhtawar Aamir


Saqib Naveed


Emaan Raza


Shakeeb Arsalan


Role of media in political campaigns and ethical violation

Election Commission of Pakistan gave a full fledge criteria for conducting the elections of 2013 on their official website.

General elections from 1977 to 2013

First general elections 1977 after losing East wing.

Second general elections 1988 and ppp came in power and Printing press and publications ordinance came in 1988 as well.

After two years government was dismissed and instability increased till 1997.

1999 Musharraf came to power.

1997 elections Nawaz Sharif launched a campaign against Pakistan peoples party

2002 elections and Musharraf's rule

2008 elections sympathy votes to Pakistan peoples party

2013 elections

In recent elections held in 2013, the Pml(N)won the majority seats in the elections and is expected to be forming government in last weeks of May 2013.

Elections 2013 and media



Social media

Shakeeb Arsalan

Code of Conduct for Pakistan Media and Elections and their violations

Media and ethical journalists in Pakistan strive at all times to

a)    avoid discrimination against any political party, political leader or candidate

b)   provide information that will assist citizens to better understand the issues, policies and perspectives of all democratic participants in the election process

c)    ensure all communities are made fully aware of the election process and how they can freely exercise their right to vote

Media recognize that it is not always possible to cover all candidates in an election, but they shall strive to ensure that all candidates representing democratic values.

Ban all forms of intolerance and expression that can be interpreted as incitement to violence or hatred,

 Avoid all forms of rumor, speculation and disinformation, particularly when these concern specific political parties or candidates,

 Forbid the publication of allegations or personal remarks or opinions that are designed to be offensive.

verify information regarding individuals or parties which is critical or negative before it is telecast, broadcast or published,

Media respect the values of tolerance and respect in Pakistan society and are committed to excluding all forms of intemperate abusive opinion that has the effect of promoting public disorder or intolerance.

This pledge to avoid inflammatory expression shall apply to coverage of political activities at all levels including when it applies to the reporting of statements or remarks by political leaders or candidates.

Media recognize that the power of elections rests with the people of Pakistan and the voters. They will exercise caution in the use of opinion polls and agree to work together to ensure that announcement of results is managed in an equitable and transparent manner ensuring that all media are able to report accurately the results as they emerge from the ECP and the election control room.

All media shall ensure that they and their staff are fully prepared for the task of election coverage and agree to follow the common principles for preparation and organization of election coverage as set out in the attached checklist for ethical and fair reporting.

All media shall provide staff with guidance and advice on safety and security issues and provide journalists with appropriate support including insurance.

Candidates in Pakistan elections shall not act as news anchors, interviewers or presenters of any type of program during the election period.

In addition, appearances by candidates or political party representatives in non-political programs that were planned or scheduled before the election may continue, but no new appearances will be arranged and broadcast during the period.

When a candidate takes part in an item about his or her particular election, then candidates of each of the major parties shall be offered the opportunity to take part. However, if they refuse or are unable to participate, the item may nevertheless go ahead.

Broadcasters must offer the opportunity to all candidates take part in a particular electoral area reports and discussions. This also applies to independent candidates. However, if a candidate refuses or is unable to participate, the item may nevertheless go ahead.

All media shall give the audience regular information about appropriate websites or other information source listing all candidates taking part in the elections.

Pakistan media agree to establish an election media monitoring group comprised of respected, non-partisan figures to protect the press from aggression and to investigate any incidents.

Saqib Naveed

Paid Content

A paid form of nonpersonal communication is about any political party or group and its Message or manifesto & it is transmitted to a target audience through a mass medium.

So this is for publicity or sending message not for selling any thing or promotion of any thing.

Paid Content is basically the type of advertising which is no product ad.

This was Ban in Pakistan but PPP govt. Unban this sort of adverting for their own benefit.

In recent years, political advertising has become essential to campaign strategy. But the world of political advertising is very different from the world of commercial advertising. There really are no "rules" when it comes to the content and form of political advertising. Political advertisers are not accountable to any regulatory body.

Paid Content Ethics: TRUTHFULNESS

Each & every word that is used in paid content is based on truth.

The truth should proved with relevant facts. RESPECT THE DIGNITY OF EACH HUMAN

It means not to criticize anyone or any other political party. RESPECT SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES

It means never show such advertisements with may cross limits of our social boundaries. Give Equal opportunities

The media should give equal opportunity to each party.. Never Discourage the Audience

Do not show such ads which may cause discourage in the public.

Ethical Violation In Paid Content

A report by the Free and Fair Election Network (FAFEN) reveals that around 49 percent 'observed' election rallies violated the rules set by the ECP

Leading Urdu newspapers of Pakistan are breaking code of ethics just for Advertisements. After continuous front Page Advertisement Stuffing, now new ethics breaking technique has come. Few months back, some Urdu newspapers published Advertisements on front page which were looking like Headline.

These types of Advertisements in Newspaper are one of biggest Code of Ethics violation.

It’s shocking that two leading Urdu newspapers did this blunder. These newspapers are trendsetter in Urdu Journalism and many newbie Print Journalist follow them.

Ethical Volition By PPP

Most of the PPPP ads violates the paid content and even ECP code of ethics.

They violate the ethics by misrepresentation and criticizing the other parities.

They mainly focus on criticizing the other parties instead of telling people about their achievement.

Paid Content By PML(N) Most of the paid content that is shared by the media is


They only violate the ethics in their last political ad which was against the PTI.

Paid Content By PTI

The Most of the political ads of the PTI focused on future.

They use the elements of the Emotionalism.

They Didn’t criticize any party in all of their ads.

Emaan Raza

Ethical Violation And Reporting

Duty to inform about voting process.

Obligation of accuracy, balance and impartiality.

Limits to media liability for caring false statement.

Fair and balance reporting.

Obligation to carry special programmers explaining proceedings.

Publish opinion poll results explaining scope and limits, data used including who paid it.

Media must not air results with disclaimer until declared final by ECP.

Sama election city

Ary election cell

Geo election headquarter