

Citation preview

Megan GanRobert Wilhite WRC 1023-025

November 27, 2007


What exactly are UFOS and where do people believe they come from?

What evidence do we have of UFO existance?

Other places that our beliefs for UFOs come from.

What are UFOS?

Image is from BBC News, UFO lure Japanese T.V. firmNews.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/590960.stm

Evidence of UFOs

The crop cicle appeared on the evening of Wednesday, 5 July 2006 in a field between Blofield and North Burlingham next to A47. Photograph by Mike Page.


Evidence of UFOS

Next Naturewww.nextnature.net/?p=1283


Media Influence

Found in the World News 2002http://www.alvinrc.com/aliens/stories.html

Entertainment Influence

Image supplied by American Nightmare

Composer(s):Mark IshamReleased in:


United States

Conclusion Unfortunately, we do not have the

technology to prove the UFOs exist.

Whether it be movies, sightings, or even news paper articles, there is still never enough evidence to prove the existence of aliens.

Many people have a theory that the government plays a role in these so called “UFO sightings.”