This Week in the Daily Iowan



A catalog of the Daily Iowan's Errors

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This Week in the Daily Iowan

by Zach Tilly

3.2.12 – The Daily Iowan reports that the number 29 is bigger than 71.

3.1.12 – The Daily Iowan dramatically reports that men’s tennis coach Steve Houghton said this of his players: “Some of the guys aren’t trying. They’re not into it.”

3.2.12 – Here is what Steve Houghton actually said about his players. Note that the correction incorrectly dates the original article.

3.2.12 – This was the most compelling question anybody could think of.

3.1.12 – Here an extraneous “N” on the top of the front page.

2.29.12 – Here is the inadvertently racist poll that ran on Wednesday. Certainly they could have picked a better word….

2.28.12 – … well a day earlier somebody used the much less ambiguous “inadvertently”. Whoever changed it to “effectively should be chewed out real good.

And here’s what Editor B. Sullivan had to say about my tweeting of the racist poll. I don’t think he got the joke. Sigh.
