The Front Cover Analysis *


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The Front Cover

This magazine focuses more on pop, indeed and light rock groups. Q magazine was originally going to be called CUE magazine, as in a DJ CUEING a song. But they decided to call it Q magazine for whatever their reason. This particular

issue features Coldplay and there reunion.

Skyline- The skyline on this magazine never changes “the essential music guide” is there slogan and will remain that for the upcoming future. The skyline

in this and every issue always ties in with the Q logo.

Mast head- the mast head of Q magazine never has changed, it has always been the same colour, size and position. As you can see, the creators of Q magazine do not cram their front cover up as much as other mainstream

magazines and this gives them the freedom to allow them to have a large logo.

Cover lines- On the front page there isn’t much choice when it come to cover lines. The main cover line is about Coldplay and the magazine producers have

tried to bring our attention to it. Rather than packing the font cover with competitions chances and new things on the street they have aimed the whole front cover towards the centre. All together there are 4 cover lines which will be glimpsed at but not as much as the main headline. They have used large

text to highlight the importance of Coldplay and its cover line.

Exclusive- the exclusive in this issue is “on tour with u2” which could be seen as rivalry with Coldplay.

Main image- The main image is of Coldplay! This magazine was released a couple of week after rumours said they were heading to a break up. This image suggests strength, fear and superiority. This is something

cleverly thought up by the photographer.


The odd thing about this contents page is that there is no relation to any of the topics on the front, now this could be human error or continued elsewhere in

the magazine but it is extremely rare that this happens. The content page features heavily with Mika who is a pop legend and has many articles related to him in the magazine. Q magazine is a mainstream magazine so many pop

stars will appear in it time after time. This contents page is very easy to use and understand, it navigates you directly to the leading articles with clearly marked

bullet numbers and clear bold text. Also the colour of the text remains the same and is not differential which improves reading performance.

On this contents page there is a quote by Mika “I want to bite people, take chunks out of there cheeks”. That quote is a lead to Mika’s main headline. The

quote is followed by a page number which relates the quote to the specific article.

Double Page spreadThis double page spread is a part of the Q magazine. It is featured in every Q magazine and is a top 50 selection of music that Q magazine recommend. It is what they call in internal chart magazine.

On the first page of “Q50” they list the number 1, this is the song of the month and it is featured elsewhere in the magazine. They have a image of two group members. This group, the white stripes have quoted in the top left corrnor “ cor blimey, guvnor.’shut up.” This is something that the band

would have said whilst in interview and it will most defiantly tie in with their article.

The Second page continues with the rest of the 49 recommended songs, this has a selection of different song recommended by Q.

The layout is kept simple and plain to allow the reader simplicity whilst reading.