Sarah Palin A New Kind Of Leader




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Product Details for Sarah PalinAlaska Governor Sarah Palin’s nomination as vice presidential candidate by John McCain not only changed the landscape of the current election, but also marked a shift in leadership style across our country. Exploring themes from her career in politics, her life as a hockey mom, and her strongly held Christian Faith, this book explores the leadership principles that made Palin successful.

Description: Our present era demands a new style of leadership that transcends political affiliation and party lines. In an age that values relationship over authority and instant information over accuracy, breadth of knowledge and depth of conviction are prized commodities. Governor Sarah Palin (R—Alaska) brings both of those qualities to her new role as candidate for the vice presidency of the United States. Her familiarity with a broad range of issues and her strong moral center are just two of the leadership traits that have allowed Palin to organize and focus her efforts in elected office. Exploring themes from her career in politics, her life as a hockey mom, and her strongly held Christian faith, author Joe Hilley explores the leadership principles that have catapulted Palin into the national spotlight and explains how she models a fresh paradigm of leadership that will guide our nation through the 21st century.

Book & Bible Cover Size: Medium Page Count: 208 Available: November, 2008Publisher: Zondervan
