Golden retriever temperament - What Is It You Want To Know About it?


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Golden Retriever TemperamentTake the stress out

You live in a small apartment and you simply love your Golden Retriever...

You're clearly looking for trouble!

They have very active tails and they'll sweep clean your furniture.

Simply put, you’ll need ample room. Minimalist homes are a must!

Your work schedule is over the top, but you have a Golden Retriever…

No time to socialize

No time to go out

No time to go shopping

No time to eat out

No time to relax

You must have a strategy to provide your golden adequate exercise daily or you will both be unhappy

You're a neat freak and you own a Golden Retriever...

You will always find dog hair everywhere, particularly on carpets, on furnishings, and indeed, at times even in your food.

But you'll have to vacuum a lot more frequently than before - or tiny fur balls will build up along your baseboards!

You love to take care of your pooch but you spend your hard earned money on vet bills...

Golden Retriever dogs are prone to allergies, skin problems, cancer and hypothyroidism and you might have to invest a good amount on vet's bills over your pet's lifetime.

They often times acquire thunderstorm stress.

Their trustworthy, mild temperament makes them lousy protective guard dogs.

As sporting dogs they can quickly dig out of a fence or occasionally go over it when left outdoors for long stretches of unsupervised time simply because they need to be with folks.

Discover one hidden mental trigger that all Golden Retriever puppies have... that virtually lets you "evaluate" and "manage" your Golden Retriever puppy's every action

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Discover the secrets to properly nurturing your Golden Retriever puppy into a lot more than just an affectionate companion…

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