Evaluation – question 3


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Evaluation – Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute

your media product and why?


• Bauer Media as it is one of the largest producers of magazines in the country and distributes some of the biggest magazines in the world, for example, ‘Q’, ‘MATCH!’, ‘FHM’ and ‘Heat’.

• They distribute magazines to football fans, music enthusiasts, film fans and women.

• Having them distribute my magazine would put the magazine in front of most competition in the market.

Bauer Media

• Bauer Media reaches over nineteen million UK adults across multiple media channels. We have more than eighty influential media brands spanning a wide range of interests, including heat, GRAZIA, Closer, MCN, FHM, Parkers, MATCH, Magic 105.4, Kiss 100, Kerrang and 4Music.

How the magazine would be distributed

• Bauer will distribute my music magazine ‘LIVE’ along with ‘Q’ as they are both monthly magazines.

• This puts ‘LIVE’ in direct competition with ‘NME’. Even though ‘NME’ is weekly, it isn’t as successful as ‘Q’ or ‘Kerrang!’ so ‘LIVE’ would be in competition with the weaker competitors which would make its success more probable.

How the magazine would be distributed

• It will be sold in supermarkets, music venues, music shops, gigs, newsagents and corner shops because these are common places for music fans to go and this is where ‘Q’, ‘MOJO’ and ‘Kerrang!’ are sold and they are all distributed by Bauer.

Other music magazines

• Bauer produces and distributes ‘Q’ and ‘Kerrang!’. This way they are distributing a weekly and a monthly magazine which creates competition for other companies, for example, IPC Media.

• They appeal to Indie and Rock music fans covering a large part of the market and by doing this, Bauer now sell the world’s biggest selling weekly magazine and the UK’s biggest selling monthly magazine.

Reasons for choosing Bauer

• They reach a huge amount of customers with their variety of magazines and almost all of their magazines are very successful.

• If LIVE was to be distributed by Bauer there is a strong possibility that it too could be successful.

• It has a continuing line of success since 1953 and is now the largest magazine distributor in Europe.

Why Bauer is the best choice

• As said before, it is the leading magazine distributor in Europe with over 300 magazines in 15 countries including radio and television programmes. This shows that it is successful and that every magazine distributed by them is successful.

• In theory, if Bauer distribute my magazine in the UK alone, it has the potential to sell well and be a good product making enough money to be profitable.