Conspiracy and the News



BDC903- News and Current Affairs Theory Beyond Chomsky Specialized Class vs. Bewildered Herd Hegelian Dialectic, Ignorance and Fear as Control Love, RTA= Bring Good back into the world (media)

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  • 1. Beyond Chomsky Conspiracy & the News Albert P. Venczel BDC903 News & Curnt Affairs Theory Prof. Adam Miller Nov 19 / 2013

2. Specialized Class 3. Bewildered Herd 4. We Are Change LA Chapter 5. Kept in the Dark 6. Psyops 7. War on Terror was manufactured 8. Media Consolidation 9. The Big Six 10. We stay in power by keeping you out of power 11. We Fake the News! Disinformation Office (USG) 12. Operation Mockingbird 13. The Controllers 14. Media Brainwashing 15. Tactics Repetition Censorship & Management of the News Filtering the News- Stories kept in Media Darkness Public Access- The Story the media wont tell Propaganda- Cultural Imperialism Disinformation Distraction 16. Alternatives to the Media Monopoly Alternative Radio Audio Combat Broadcasting the CRTC Regulations and Democracy Information on the Internet- A Democratic Medium Can the Marketplace protect free speech? 17. Owned We Own You Every major newspaper is a covert intelligence agency. Their actions mirror those of a CIA or an MI-6. Agents (reporters), case officers (editors), fake cover stories (articles), false trails, limited hangouts, the invention of superficial enemies, false flags. The agents (staff reporters) are the true believers. They support and sustain the whole operation by their conviction that the illusion is real. Those reporters who dont buy into the illusion can keep their jobs by going along with the charade and keeping their mouths shut. If they speak out, they lose. Theyre fired and blackballed. 18. Youtube Links CNN busted faking the News 4 Knowledge Power and Action Q& 19. Good Job! 20. World Affairs Brief 1. The CIA runs a worldwide drug distribution net, to finance this black underground series of operations. Kun San, the infamous drug warlord of the Iron triangle testified of this openly--that his major client was the CIA and he could name names. Barry Seal was killed after revealing his involvement in flying cargo planes loaded with drugs for the CIA into the famous Mena Arkansas 10,000 foot rural runway (during Governor Clintons term). 2. The FBI regularly assists and covers up for numerous illicit government operations. Occasionally, critical evidence is falsified in their now discredited forensics labs in order to alter the outcomes of certain investigations. The FBI played a major role in the cover-up of the JFK assassination, the Waco attack, the Oklahoma City Bombing, and the Vince Foster murder. 3. CIA and Secret Service agents who were part of the black underground side, pulled off the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King, to make them martyrs for a much larger political purpose. The killers may not have known the purpose, but those who gave the orders did. 21. Repeat the Official Story 22. Critical Thinking 23. CIA owns the system 24. Media Critics Prof. ChomskyAn Awake Public 25. Take Action Street ActionThe Truth is Out there 26. Controlled Media Alternative SourcesPublic Awake 27. All the Tentacles of the Octopus Death of the 5th EstateState Control 28. Wake Up! 29. Trust No One 30. Politicians Read their Lines 31. Truth Denied 32. Good Luck!
