5 must-reads on cooking with insects



Today, at least 2 billion people worldwide consume more than 2,000 species of insects. Rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein and essential fatty acids, edible insects have the potential to boost human food security, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization. Here are some books on how you can prepare meals using grasshoppers, centipedes, bees, ants and witchetty grubs, among other bugs.

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Photo by: Matthias/ CC-BY

Today, at least 2 billion people worldwide consume more than 2,000 species of insects. Rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein and essential fatty acids, edible insects have the potential to boost human food security, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization. Here are some books on how you can prepare meals using grasshoppers, centipedes, bees, ants and witchetty grubs, among other bugs.

Photo by: Mills Baker / CC-BY

Creepy Crawly Cuisine: The Gourmet Guide to Edible Insects by Julieta Ramos-Elorduy

Photo by: L Chruch / CC-BY

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Photo by: Matthias/ CC-BY