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3H HareketiThe 3H Movement


LiberalOfis, as it was called back then, was officially found in December 2006. The name was changed to 3H Hareketi in July 2007.

Hürriyet Hukuk Hoşgörü Liberty Law Toleration


- Based in Istanbul and Ankara, but growing interest for local branches in other Anatolian cities

- Youth-oriented and no mother party

- No government support, only project-based private sponsors (FNST, Atlas, etc.)

- Mostly classical liberal, but all fractions of liberal ideology are welcome

What’s the 3H all about?

- Two dimensions: intellectual (seminars, magazine publication, etc.) and activist (campaigns, protests, etc.)

- 100 active members, more than 2500 fans in facebook

- No presidency, no bureaucracy: Project leaders and decisions on consensus.

- Establishing university clubs

What’s the 3H all about?

1. Weekly regular gatherings – Every Friday in our office2. Monthly seminars – One expert with tens of liberals.3. Liberal Youth & Economy Congress – 200 participants,

This year target : 5004. Freedom on the Road - Traveling around Turkey with a

liberal van.5. Petitions and Campaigns – Internet censorship, No

enemy inside, Abolish the conscription6. Movie screening – Political movies with liberal themes 7. Round table discussions – Discussing liberal

philosophy. Ex: Rawls – Nozick Debate, Free Market – Social Welfare Controversy

What has the 3H done so far?

8. Day/Week of... – Hrant Dink, Gay Rights, State Crimes etc.

9. Rallies, protests, demonstrations – Youtube Ban, Freedom of Speech

10. TV apperances - as the representative of the “liberal view”

11. Articles on the blog on a daily basis – Scheduled members share their thoughts about daily topics.

12. Magazine publication – Seasonally13. Articles in Daily Newspapers – Our members`

writings are publicized through national papers.14. Presentations in other institutions – Brussels,

Washington, Berlin, and all around Turkey

What has the 3H done so far?

3H online: daily updated blog

Protest for the freedom of speech

“Turkish Students Defend ‘Traitor’ Professor”

-Turkish Daily News, November 26 2006

Özgürlük YoluFreedom on the



The words “free market”, “pluralist democracy”, “liberty”, “toleration”, etc. on the van

Seminars were organized in each city with the participation of well-known liberal figures

Each seminar was concluded with a discussion session where the audience could contribute with their remarks

Thanks for your attention!

