QuizBrahma by Sagar Kadam

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Create a txtWeb quiz app with no knowledge of coding. Just click some buttons and your app is ready

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QuizBrahma!!Create a Quiz txtWeb

app in just some clicksNo coding skills requiredNo excel sheet

By: Sagar Kadam

How to do it?• First register yourself at https://developer.txtweb.com/registration•Once you are registered, login to dashboard at https://developer.txtweb.com/signin

•Lets create a history quiz app using QuizBrahma

•Click on “Create a new service” in your txtWeb account

•Type your app name & Check Availability, after that click on “Save & Next”

•Note down your “App id”, it’ll be used in QuizBrahma service

• Now go to www.quizBrahma.somee.com• Enter your App name & App id

• Add “questions, options & correct answer number” then click “Add Questions”

•After adding questions, click “Create URL” for getting your app URL• Save this URL, you’ll need it in future• Note 1: You have to enter atleast 12 questions for create URL• Note 2: Never share your app URL with anyone

• Now come back to your txtWeb dashboard, edit your app and copy App URL in txtWeb service• Type description of your app & save it

•Finally your app is ready to use

•You can create any type of quiz app, bollywood quiz app, math quiz, english quiz, reasoning quiz and many more..

•Instructions for using your app1. Type

<appName> & send it to txtWeb number

2. Reply corresponding letter for answer

3. Here is the answer