Living with Principles - Lessons Learned Creating UX Guidelines at Paddy Power

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Paddy Power is an Irish sports betting and eGaming company. As a result of, or perhaps because of, rapid online expansion it's an organisation with fairly down-to-earth, JFDI attitude to product design and development. The fruits of this charge online are a mobile product set that is fragmented and inconsistent. In an attempt to bring some kind of order to product development, the UX team at Paddy Power set about creating design principles and guidelines, initially for mobile. However, Paddy Power didn't get to where it is today by obeying rules – far from it in fact - and guidelines sound a lot like rules. So, this is the story of how we created a set of design principles and guidelines at Paddy Power. Why we did it, how we did it, the mistakes we made along the way and what we're doing ensure the products we create are true to our company's values and our customers’ expectations.

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Developing Design Principles -





Helmuth Karl Bernhard von Moltke – CC-BY

Darwin's finches or Galapagos finches. Darwin, 1845– CC-BY
